Tuesday, September 9, 2014


huge congratulations to Hudson and his Wrangler baseball teammates!!!  two weeks ago they competed at the OBA's in the final, end of season provincial championship tournament.  the small town boys took home the trophy in a spectacular display of endurance, teamwork, perseverance, skill and good sportsmanship.  the weekend was intense with several games being complete nailbiters.  my own stomach was in knots...and to think i was once sure that baseball was horrendously boring to watch and never wished to see my kids play it....how wrong was i???  (thankfully, my dear mother never gave up in her desire to see a ball player in the family...) the tournament record for the Wranglers was 5-1, with the final championship game going right down to the last hit, at two-outs, and bases loaded for the opponents, they were down by one run when the "star-of-the-game" player, Hudson's partner out field, made a tricky catch in left centre field to end the game...

Hudson had his own moments of sheer greatness that were a delight to watch.  he showed a consistent solid attitude that whole weekend, and we loved loved loved seeing this....he also had several clutch hits that brought in RBI's to tie the game or move the Wranglers ahead more than once.  during these moments i wondered if i'd lose my voice from cheering so wildly.  so much fun!!!

seeing his white teeth grinning back at the fans in the stands from first base made my heart sing...plus, his solid arm out in centre field was dependable to get the ball back in to second base fast and accurately.  he has improved so much since last year.  still, as i said to his coaches and i know i've said here before, this is all so much more than the game of baseball for our son.  Hudson continues to grow and mature steadily, and baseball for sure has played a part in that process~ and it's still just the beautiful game of ball he sooooo loves...

after the hard fought battle to the end, with the golden glove trophy in the hands of the Wrangler team, there was a long trip home to recap the highlights of the weekend.  all eight of us had a fun time capping off our summer on this weekend away.  summer and baseball~ i already miss both...
once home, the celebrating continued with a traditional nighttime firetruck parade through the streets, followed by boys and coaches on the back of pick-up trucks, complete with police escorts.  lots of sirens, flashing lights, and honking horns.  the boys loved it all....i had to laugh because all season we've been harping on the fact that it isn't all about winning, it's learning to lose well~ with grace and class, to have a positive attitude and display good sportsmanship, etc, etc....but with two other fall parades scheduled for the winning Wranglers (aka OBA champions :)) i can't help but wonder if the "but winning sure is fun!!" mantra is overshadowing the message we worked so hard on....i guess next year will be the true test of that...
so, we close the chapter on baseball 2014.  next year it's real-life pitchers, and no more pitching machine.  it's base stealing, bunting, etc...for now, we feel beyond blessed to have had the opportunity to see our kids (AJ too) enjoy this great game.  in this great country.  with such limitless possibilities before them...

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