Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

mother's day mush

i'm well aware of the lack of deep substantive thought on this here blog these days.  not because i'm not thinkin' it, however!  i'm certainly in a super busy season, and my time sitting in the chair in front of the computer is minuscule, at best.  that is okay.  my purpose here is to log the happenings of my bunch and i think this blog is still reflecting the season we're in~ so i'm good with that. 

i had these flowers below looking gorgeous for over a week....still, these roses are more than just beautiful flowers.  this Mother's Day they were a special reminder of the three moms whose children i am blessed enough to know and love.  two for the first mothers of my two adopted sons and the third for the mom of E&H...
the special day we celebrate moms is emotional and weighty and layered to be sure, and these moms were in my heart and mind for the whole week in and around Mother's Day.  

add to that my gratitude for my own amazing mom and my husband's equally awesome mother, and well, it was a bit of a special occasion to celebrate.  i feel blessed and overwhelmed many days as a mom, in equal parts actually.  the task is daunting, which feels understated....i'm thankful for a steadfast legacy of mothers who stuck to the grind on hard days, years challenging seasons :), and loved us well.  i'm thankful that they modeled consistency and patience and strength.  i'm thankful that they loved us unconditionally.  i hope my kids see this in me~ that they know this and find security in it.  i'm also thankful for a timely letter from my big kid, and the way God knew my heart could use a little lift.  she has no idea how her words fell on my weary spirit and refreshed me...that is soooo how God works in my life.  not luck, not coincidence~ rather His love and care and grace extended to me in a way that has me standing in awe.  i'm undeserving and so very thankful.  

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

junior baker

so nice having a junior baker around here again.  someone to add and mix and stir and taste and lick beaters...

and she looks pretty adorable in an apron too!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

sleepy fans

these cute young Jays fans just couldn't last til the very end of the game...not quite nine innings for them the other night, or even the seventh inning stretch!  

i'm seeing their faces changing and growing up.  crazy how the years fly by.  won't be long and Hudson will be my height.  already past my shoe size....
last week someone told me some advice they'd picked up from a parenting conference~ to stop and watch my kids sleep and just "take them in" in all their cuteness.  good advice...does wonders for a weary heart.

loved how peaceful they looked on the couch beside me.  peaceful until Jeff tormented them to a state of wakefulness before they tucked into their own beds!  poor fellas who've learned to be great sports!  

Thursday, May 3, 2018


just a few current favourites....

this verse~  
Colossians 3:17 in The Message says this...
"Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way."

this story 
it's a feel good story with a happy ending, the very best kind, right?!

this picture~
 story time by AJ, with miss H, fresh from her bath in her ballerina nightie

and one more story relating to the theme of May~ National Foster Care Month....this is fresh and bold courage on display by a pretty brave, young couple!  crazy inspiring!
here it is