back in April i blogged about change...a school change was in the works for our four youngest, and we are finally on the other side of that much anticipated, frequently discussed change. we are almost one month in at the new school, and i can honestly say~ all is well! so happy to be able to write! i don't want to over-spiritualize this post, really i don't....because i know all the cliche lines some might be thinking, like "kids are resilient", "kids change schools all the time", "kids adapt easier than adults often do", etc....often that is all very true. even still, we have been sooooo incredibly cared for during this process by God's clear, undeniable orchestration of events. on the day i went to register them for school, back in June, i spent about 45 minutes there filling out paperwork for each child, meeting with the secretary and principal and having some questions answered...i'll spare the details, but i did leave that day and sit in my minivan and find tears streaming down my face as i texted my dear husband....i believe the text said "God is so good!" honestly, there were four different instances during that first visit that communicated to me without a doubt that God had gone ahead of me, working out details in ways that only He could, soothing my concerned mother's heart and showing me His great love for me and our kids. sooo God....
here on the first day, excited and waiting for the bus...picture quality is rough, i know. i'll probably regret that one day....add it to the list :)
Adam, passing time on his unicycle...because it is so easy and relaxing~ yah, not at all really!!! this alone is worthy of its own blog post....the boy is so patient with certain things like making LEGO candy dispensing machines and safes that actually lock and learning to stay upright on this lethal contraption unicycle...he amazes me...
at the moment of taking the last picture i was unable to see through my watery eyes...must have been those horrible allergies. :) actually, it was deep love for my crew, and that feeling of sending my chicks off into new and unknown...they were ready. they were set.
so, we went into September feeling excited and overall just really looking forward to getting started. all four have settled in so well. in particular, Hudson is set up with resources that are extra suitable for his learning style and attention struggles. he is seeing more success (so far...we'll take it!) and seems genuinely happy to come home with less homework and more time to play outside and run and be a boy....that is huge for both of us!!! all the kids have friends they've met for the first time and some they knew from TCA and even a cousin in Layla's class! she is really enjoying that...the teachers are very kind and seem really checked in already to the kids and their varied personalities and learning tendencies . we are super thankful to see their sadness of saying goodbye to TCA be followed up with a wonderful transition that has left me utterly grateful. and did i mention they ride the bus??? wow, that is pretty nice after twelve years of driving to and from school, five days a week...they hop on the bus bright and early and pile in the door at the end of the day with stories and information spilling out. it is far Adam and Layla have both played on soccer teams with a tournament last week and are training now for cross country. Hudson will be old enough to run this year too. we are full speed ahead into the new school year and already it is feeling like we are in a routine and adjusted. thanks for sticking with the details in this post...i know it will be cherished one day when we all look back.
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