Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Sloan's 2023

 can't wait for a year when all of us get to Sloan's together.  it's been a long while, so that will be amazing.  it's gotta happen.  one day.  still, this day at the end of November was still pretty great!  and so is the tree that's bringing such  joy in the family room all day long...i really do love it!

here are a few of the favourite photos!

Merry Christmas to all our family and friends! I hope this season brings peace and joy and refreshment for your souls! ❤

Tuesday, December 12, 2023


for these three it was a beautiful and crisp day for a run.  i was a walker and cheering spectator.  a great way to start a Saturday!

so blessed to have an active life and healthy family!

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

catch up

 a few fall stragglers that i wish to capture here.  good memories.  the kind to keep.

yes they are basic pumpkins, but for context, one of us carved five out of six.  a little slack please. :)

the important practice of "candy sorting" after the haul.  taught by daddy.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

'tis the season

 Christmas 2023.  it's upon us, isn't it?  and with all the world's chaos and hate and pain i very much struggle to reconcile this with our relative peace and comfort and immense privilege here.  here, where i'm shopping and planning and wrapping.  here, where i create sweet treasures and traditions and good holiday feelings in this small little bubble that is our life.  it's this paradox that we are obligated to face, and that i cannot ignore.  my son rides Christmas trains and cruises down ziplines after a festive pony ride, while children across the world are released from the darkest captivity, only to learn that one or both of their parents have been murdered.  the stark contrast of mothers burying their dear innocent children caught in the horrors of war, while i'm crossing off items on my kid's Christmas wish lists.  while we wrestle with high grocery costs during an already expensive season and millions of others can only hope for long-awaited humanitarian aid trucks to cross the border and deliver the very basics they need to even survive.

 i could go on and on with the unfathomable comparisons, couldn't i?

(chalkboard by our talented Layla)

yes the season of Christmas does and will still hold much joy for me this year, i imagine~ as it should.  for i have clung to the Greatest Gift ever given, and i'm grateful for all that means in my day-to-day journey of life.  still, i'll wrestle through the uncomfortable heaviness that lingers in knowing that so many have had their worlds upended and shattered into millions of pieces.  that so many, if fortunate enough to survive, face a lifetime of trauma and loss to work through.  it isn't right, it isn't ok.  it isn't yet how it will one day be...

until then, in this desperate world that keeps right on spinning, i hope and pray God's love and comfort and peace pierces through the darkness of their reality to carry them and hold them extra close, this Christmas and way beyond.  that it rests on them like a warm blanket on a bitter cold night.

Emmanuel, God with us...Matthew 1:23

O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

another Spartan finish...

 ...except this one was cruel.  long, cold, wet and grueling.  over twenty-three kms from start to finish.  six and a half hours to completion.  accurately named The Beast.  especially this particular weekend.


i don't know how they finished and managed to smile for pictures at the end.  somehow the two psychos (said with utmost affection;)) who hate being cold "eeked" it out with a cool Spartan finisher medal to prove it. 

so astonished and proud of their grit and strength.  Jeff even dislocated a finger half way into the race and put it back into place himself...yep, all by himself (gulp) before carrying on and finishing the rest of the course.  crazy guy. 

way to go Hannah and Jeff.  so inspiring!

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

pumpkin patch buddies


it wasn't warm and sunny, but it was still fun.  and the ride behind that tractor is always a highlight.
pumpkin patch 2023. thankful.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

thanksgiving thankfulness

 below~ a few of my thanksgiving gifts.  not all are here, but more than half of the bunch!


photo credits to Joelle and Layla

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

spontaneous mirror dance


he's often a "highs and lows" kind of guy...but his joy is also so pure and sweet...

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

i will carry you

 whoa, do i ever love this song.  it's a keeper, a "poignant ballad" written by a mom and dad to their daughters, and it most certainly is filled with lyrics that echo my heart for our three daughters too.  it captures the depth of love so well.  i really hope they feel it and know it~ way down deep.

beyond that, it also speaks to me on a personal, even deeper level.  that the very God who created me and loves me fully (even still) also carries me.  always.  and i feel it.  

enjoy, it's pretty special.  

I Will Carry You by Ellie Holcomb

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

she's got grit

another year of cross country for her school.  super challenging and somehow through the pain it's also pretty rewarding~ after the races at least.  

i love the way her running pushes away personal obstacles, stretches past her perceived limitations, and gives her a great outlet for school and life stressors.  not to mention her killer strong legs.

way to go Layla! 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

this boy

 photo credits to "Mr. Barry"...

he recently caught a cute moment with Cree embracing both of us during a morning church service.  it sums up Cree so well.  he's a hands-on affectionate fella who feels and loves deep and large.  so often his emotions are right there on full display.  sometimes regulating the big feelings is hard.  but he also loves so tangibly.  it's so sweet and such a gift.

Tuesday, October 3, 2023


 in the interest of time, or lack of ;) , and because there's something so special to me about this picture below, i'm posting a "throwback Tuesday" photo this week...

AJ wasn't even home yet so he's not seen in the picture.  sorry AJ, next throwback k?  yep his adorableness can't go unmentioned either.

i was in the thick of it here, raising littles, and yet i really did enjoy most of this stage.  actually and for real.  there was so much fun and funny mixed in those years...they totally had my heart~ and somehow each one in their own unique way still entirely does...strange how that works.  

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


 another year underway...


grade 11


praying these two have fun this school year, and of course learn and grow lots at the same time!