Tuesday, February 28, 2017

a birthday memory

my favourite kind of gift.  a memory gift.  not to be discarded in the dark corners of a messy closet, or lost under a bed or broken or forgotten about altogether.  Hudson recently turned twelve, and asked for the chance to see a Raptors game live.  we made it happen.  this gift was a fun one~ and fun for all eight of us which obviously made it even better!  we aren't often together as a whole family these days...so, last Sunday we took the crew to a Raptors game in TO.
DeRozan warming up, dribbling two balls at once like someone in the NBA would :)

Raptors versus the Portland Trailblazers.  Hudson was there in his jersey and hat and psyched for a great game of NBA skills and thrills and competitive action.  the Raptors did not disappoint.  they came back from a early deficit to hold the lead and win!

my guy...wee tangent here, but i love doing life with him...

DeRozan was on his game and dropping baskets like there was nothing to it.  the atmosphere was so fun, and the highlight for me was watching my two youngest boys, in particular, as they soaked up the game and watched attentively for all four quarters. 

Hudson's name on the jumbo screen! cool birthday mention! 

i did get pictures of my oldest four cuties, but they just really didn't turn out.  the lighting and vantage point also made it tricky.  too bad...

 soooo very fun. the heart of Toronto's downtown is also a really fascinating place to explore a bit.  we loved the vibe, the buildings, the diversity, the big city feel.  

overall an awesome weekend and nice change of pace! very thankful...

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

february in point form

the words below will not be riveting.  i promise you.  get up and walk away if there is anything more pressing to do like cleaning a toilet or washing behind your fridge or feeding your children (definitely feed your children!).  i do want to write it still, because February is and has been a little different around here, for the last five to ten years at least.  as a family, we are especially busy during this month.  i'm fairly certain i'll miss these days in about a decade or so.  much is going on and i want to remember it.  the pace, the feel, the hard challenges and the fun times....i'm choosing point form because it looks more like an orderly list, and i love orderly lists! :) so there!
~highschool wrestling caps off the season with city finals, southwestern Ontario finals and then all Ontario finals if you are fortunate enough to qualify.  Hannah and Adam competed at SWOSSAA last week, and top two finalists then go on to OFSAA next week for a few days.  they both finished with silver, so they move on!  intense competition already faced and much stronger awaits when they meet fellow highschool students competing for their respective regions within our province.  hard work, grittiness, perseverance, grace, perspective~ all attributes i see them developing thanks to this great sport.  
~the younger three have just started their wrestling season and tournament number one is in the books.  last Saturday they took to the mats and we were so pleased to see aspects of their character shine that day.  good stuff...fun with friends and memories made too.  
~school basketball in full swing for Layla (think last year of elementary school, fun with senior girls and her school undefeated so far!).  school and city basketball also happening for Hudson.  (think lots of three point attempts and coaching patience and fancy dribbling and crazy handshakes!)
~on the home front the ice rink is officially melting and in disassemble mode.  it was a short run, but since it was started so early the kids still did enjoy many times of lacing up for speed skating and hockey games and fun.  overall worth it for sure!
~reading week for Joelle.  so nice to have her home.  we all think so.  we tell her.  we like hearing her stories.  she loves cheese (lots!).  she loves life.  it is contagious.  thankful for these days.
~Hudson's birthday came and went, and something about him being twelve brings a mixed bag of emotions.  thankful for how far we've come, and daily trusting his future days (teen years....gulp) to his Maker.  the Creator of this boy's loaded potential and emotion and character is faithful.  He has him in His mighty grip.  i rest in that.  
~Adam enjoying his first year of hockey~ pick up and league play twice a week.  seems to really like this sport.  i love seeing that.  juggling second semester and a part-time job too.  won't be long and he'll be asking for the car keys....help me....
~Hannah caught in the "in-between" place that i remember well with Joelle.  busy with school, wrestling and school work (chemistry and bio~ yuck!).  there are many days when i wish i could lighten the load she carries.  unfortunately, this season of life~ well, it is a means to an end.  a desired end.  and also a realization that the future is way unclear at the moment~ but this period of waiting is also worthwhile.  God has a plan that is as sure as sure can be.  i hope and pray she will trust and feel peace while it unfolds in His timing.
~Jeffrey....he has a birthday this weekend.  where better to spend it than coaching a bunch of great kids at the second tournament of the season?  he will be in his happy place, that i know.  he is a giant gift to me.  a voice of reason and wisdom and steadfast faith.  my best friend.  he makes me laugh and loves me well....what a privilege to share this birthday with him!  
so...a bit about February.  March will slow a bit, i think. :) the fast pace and lack of sleep reminds me of the many lives we've been entrusted to raise.  learning to count it all joy!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

love and life

so thankful to celebrate my brand-new twelve year old yesterday!  Hudson had a birthday, and as with any birthday there is huge gratitude to have been blessed with another year of life spent with my child.  on Hudson's birthday we always remember the cherished gift of life given to him by his first mom.  this rose sits by my sink.  i stare at it all day as i work around my kitchen.  so grateful she birthed him and gave him his beautiful name.  his Haitian blood pumps through his energetic body and in so many ways i imagine he is a reflection of her.  i think she would be proud of the many ways he is growing and changing and becoming...

what i also found easy to love is the day Jeff and I enjoyed last Saturday as we drove to an alumni event at McMaster university.  such a great time together~ seeing Joelle and having the chance to reconnect with his amazing Mac wrestling coach, Nick.  a dear man who continues to impact students both on the mats and off.  he is soft spoken and gentle and wise.  Jeff thinks so highly of his character and dedication.  it was nice to revisit those places and days that helped shape Jeff and form so many positive memories back when he was a student...hard to believe one of our own now lives life on the same campus...

then there are the usual things...

wrestling in full swing at this time of year, 

Hudson, sporting the new, "hard-saved-birthday-and-Christmas-money-combined" shoes...yep, he wanted the Curry's and he was so happy to bring them home!  

below, not super clear but still classic Hudson...in the moment, playing right alongside DeRozan :)

basketball excitement and new jerseys that finally arrived as a late Christmas gift!

Hudson wears his new shoes like i'd wear slippers around the house...

oh, some prom dress shopping with Hannah happened too!  so fun

life and love.  love and life.  love of life...
much to cherish.  Happy Valentines Day!

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

the light stuff

just light and fluffy today, my friends...some days that's just what you need to hear.  or see.  or feel.  it's so good to smile, or laugh or simply sigh contentedly, or maybe even weep for joy. 

winter puzzling above and a new favourite Raptor's toque at breakfast below...what's not to love about those cozy comforts of the season, right?

then there's this short video~ you might have already seen it floating around online.  but i could seriously watch this teacher's smooth moves over and over again.  so fun.  so gifted.  his students are so lucky to have this guy.  i imagine their working environment as fun and engaging and warm.  wonderful, just wonderful....

this version has a bit of the back story.  so much more than a handshake.  love love love it...

then there's this song Layla recently told me about...it fit the "weep for joy" category...

the lyrics...oh my heart.  so grateful.  enjoy!  happy February!