Tuesday, August 30, 2016

her room is tidy

that should be cause for celebration, right?  cuz it's what i thought i'd like.....but maybe i really don't.  a tidy room for this girl means she isn't actually here. don't get me wrong, tidy with her here would be wonderful~ i'd really enjoy that combination~ but that isn't the usual reality.  so tidy only means one thing....she's gone.  as in moved out and in to the post-secondary world that she was so excited to experience and embrace. 

 i'm okay, really.  no real tears shed even.  just some minor welling up in my eye sockets on about five occasions yesterday.  that's it.  i promise.  emotions seem to be right there, sitting just under the surface and ready to leak out at a vulnerable moment.  but for now, i'm mostly just so happy for her.  being there on campus during move-in day was so fun (including a loud and boisterous "get-out-of-the-car-please" chant by her van window, as we were literally surrounded by students and our trunk raided of her belongings while she was escorted to her room).  the energy and vibe was super contagious.  the many students, both first year and upper year students were incredibly welcoming and warm, and i could completely understand her draw to this place.

 so, we settled her into her residence and the cozy space she can call her own for the next eight months.  we took care of a few more loose ends before touring campus a bit more and sharing lunch together.  it was a really fun time for us as parents to share with her.  felt like a gift.  so thankful our own parents could help with our other younger cherubs (not literally, at all, or even a little) so we could be totally present there with her.

and in many ways already there is evidence of God going before her and setting certain things and people in place to allow her to succeed, both academically and spiritually.  now that makes my eyes glaze over.  not a coincidence, not good luck, just God's clear hand of care and love on her life.  like always.

 so it becomes her journey now, her accelerated path to becoming an adult version of herself, further discovering what she loves and where she's gifted and what she is passionate about and committed to.  no doubt there will be ups and downs, highs and lows.  that's where the refining happens.  

so while i washed her bedding and remade her bed today in her much tidier room, i refused to let myself linger too long in the nostalgic "my curly haired first born is all grown up" mode...no point in getting stuck there.  for now, feeling at peace and grateful for the chance to cheer her on from the sidelines as this part of her journey unfolds.  my heart is full!

Monday, August 22, 2016

pay day

this summer was so great for Adam!  he had his first real job that involved hard work, commitment, endurance and good old fashioned "stick-to-it-ness".  Adam hit the corn fields head on.  corn detasseling row after row after row.  and just a few more rows on top of that!  for three weeks (with only two days off) he woke early to be at the bus pickup location at 6:45, with his prepared lunch cooler containing his many calories and fluids, and he slugged it out. crazy enough, his first day happened to be the day a heat warning was issued in our area, and for the duration of the corn season there were many more brutally hot days to follow.  i was so impressed with his attitude.  i don't brag a lot here about my kids, and i think i'm pretty realistic in life about their strengths and weaknesses, but this did kind of blow me away.  i really do want to look back on this summer, and i want him to be able to do the same...when i picked him up each day he was pretty quiet, kind of tired, but never really complaining or moaning about the job~ just answering my questions and happy to be in the a/c of the vehicle, i think.  i'm certain i complained more for him than he did for himself.  he'd tell me how many acres of corn the crew covered, how many kids quit or were fired that day, and that was about it.  he'd often get home and swim in the pool, and then be refreshed to go right back out to bike with friends or go here or there, never tucking in early, never wanting to miss anything fun.  

all the while, he had a plan.  he knew if he had perfect attendance there was an extra dollar per hour added to his wage.  he also knew he'd likely finish with enough to save a nice chunk as well as buy a new mountain bike.  so, his down time also allowed him to sit at the computer and research the brand and model of mountain bike he'd eventually settle on.  he logged 114 hours total, and he got the bonus as well.  that's a lot of corn rows...

about ten days after the job was finished his pay cheque arrived in the mail.  talk about delayed gratification~ another valuable life lesson!  that was about as excited as i'd seen him so far.  Adam's "excited" look is about as toned down and mellow as you can ever get.  a bit like Jeff in that way too.  he feels it kinda deep down! :)  so, we made a fun trip to the bank, and i teased him that we had better leave discreetly because of the giant wad of cash he held in a brown envelope in his pocket. i acted as his security, and we made a dash to the car...not actually though... 

well, today he and his dad picked up his brand new Trek 2017 matte black mountain bike (which, coincidentally, he helped assemble during his first day working at the local bike shop).  he's pretty happy with it, and we are happy for him!  more than that, i love what this summer has accomplished.  it has reinforced our family motto of "do hard things", as well as the importance of honouring commitments with a strong work ethic~ right through to completion.  nothing like enjoying the results in the end!

when asked if he plans to hit next year's corn season, it's a pretty quick "no" with a shake of his head.  can't say i blame him.  once is probably enough.  but so thankful it happened this summer and proud of him too.  

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

beachin' it

it really is hard to beat the beach at dusk.  waves rolling in only makes it even better.  so refreshing and so pretty.  so fun and so free.  so summer.....

that's Hudson's dark body being tossed around in the picture below. you can really only see his head.

AJ's little brown butt was super sandy and plastered with pebbles when we returned home.  clear evidence of fun had along the shore.  the best kind of fun.

walking the pier...

i've been thinking about where we live, and how blessed we are to live in a city with a beautiful shoreline, river and waterfront activities all summer long.  sometimes it's easy to take that for granted until you notice it from the vantage point of a tourist.  they seem so impressed and in awe with the beauty of it as they snap their pictures and soak it in. we've been trying to soak it up the same way this summer. the sunsets have been breathtaking.

enjoy what's left of this amazing summer!!  

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

brave jumpers

the annual summer bridge jumps are always a highlight.  something about the adventurous feeling of hopping over the railing into the rushing river below. 

i love the picture below because of the way Hudson was holding on to his brother's life jacket until he secured his footing.  nice to see protective instincts there.

these photos were taken over two trips.  it's a frequently requested outing.  they like a bit of a ride on the wild side.

like synchro jumpers :)

front flips all around...Layla won't be outdone by her brothers.  


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

good bye little dude...

without much time to prepare, the little dude left us.  still, this was never about us...can't expand lots here, except to say our lives were touched deeply by this little fella for just over six months.  we love him so much, we love his mom, and we celebrate their new phase together as a family.  we miss him lots, but we are thankful for positive efforts made and new beginnings with his mama.  we pray daily that his future holds security, and that our presence in his life will not be over.  our hope is to maintain a tangible long term connection with them in a supportive and loving way.  at the moment this feels like a long shot dream~ time will tell, i guess...

all the kids miss him too.  helps to talk about him, imitate him, laugh about the way he said certain words, and look through his pictures and videos.  he had a way of grabbing a hold of your heart.

 Layla loved to give him a "man bun"...we found it completely adorable...

always in my cupboard...sort of miss the mess he made of my containers.

happy to have loved you, little dude!! XO