Tuesday, April 28, 2020

more self-isolation things...

a few more photos to forever capture the uniqueness of now...
Joelle being home, while she was!  supper shenanigans...

front door deliveries from an amazing lady...these went fast!

puzzle perseverance and great relaxing for half of us

grocery store line ups, and masks made by my talented mom..

lettuce fun

"happy birthday" serenade through the fence, from Grandpa's harmonica...for dear Mr. C.  so sweet...

grocery cart balancing act required when you only go once a week.  on the bright side, i always get the "free" item for spending over $225.  ugh...think way over...

still, super thankful to have the means to purchase food and feed my crew.  we are so blessed!

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

quarantine/self isolation food

anyone else enjoying lots of kitchen culinary creations these days?  a few too many carbs maybe?! yes, us too....but you know, i think it brings a measure of happiness and comfort during slightly uncomfortable times, for my kids especially.  it can break up the boredom, and ease the monotony.  it's okay.  and it's fun.  and super yummy...and hey, these aren't normal times, right? 

cake creations by Layla and Alemayehu...was so delicious too!

Dutch croquettes.

banana beignets, by Joelle!  what a gift to have her stuck home and quarantined for two whole weeks!  i'm certain i'll look back on this time with lots of gratitude for the silver linings along the way.  when will she ever be home for two whole weeks again??

homemade birthday burgers for Mr. C.

panzerotti~ to die for~ and Jeff was the "head chef "on these.  seriously as good as a pizzeria...   

lemon pie

chocolate chip cookies 

Canada's Wonderland funnel cakes!!! by Hannah!

a willing and happy taste tester...

even with real strawberry sauce...

my goodness....so delicious.  and by all appearances of the pictures above it would seem as though we deep fry every other day around here.  rarely actually.  but these are unique days...thankfully we are all exercising too because the calories are plentiful these days! :)  

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Miss Z.

miss Z. has moved on.  our deepest hope and prayer is that she's one step closer to lasting security, the unconditional and forever love of family, and the warmth and consistent loyalty of "her people" around her to deposit and invest in her potential and sweet little spirit.  while lots remains unsettled, this much is sure~ her sixteen months here have shaped and taught each one of us.  the time spent loving this sweet girl has been a gift.  many days were hard and i was literally stretched often.  still, her capacity to show care and affection and simple and pure love was a beautiful thing to see...it changed me, for sure...

i will always remember her smile that included her twinkling eyes, her deep care for me and others, her deep capacity to love any and all, her love of baby Jesus, her love of princesses, dress-up and imaginary play.  i loved how she loved to sing, to eat, and to snuggle~ a few of my favourite things too...
Miss Z., i hope and pray our paths stay connected for years to come.  regardless, i'll always love you and pray for you and be thankful i could know you....

God, bless this sweet one...cover her with your care and constant presence.  may she always know of your deep love during all life's ups and downs.  may she walk in the clear purpose you have carved out for her...hold her close...amen ❤

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

yep, pretty much

still here...and one day when all this crazy is behind us, i'll likely blog about Covid-19...might call it "Quarantine Files" or "Isolation Lessons" or "Pandemic Ponderings" or something kind of clever like that.

  for now, it's just "home sweet home"...counting many blessings still to be found.  
take care everyone!

Wednesday, April 1, 2020


i've been thinking for a good day about what to post next.  we are almost through our two week, post-vacation mandatory quarantine, yet we know not much will change after the fourteen days.  we will be able to go out for essentials like groceries and prescriptions, but we will continue to have physical distancing, isolation, and stay at home basically, other than blissful strolls in our yard or down our street.  we are all living, on a global scale, in real time, the changes a pandemic must bring....it feels strange and inconvenient....nothing, however, to the level of pain that so many are living with as a result of COVID-19...there has been loss and grief experienced this week by dear neighbours, friends and acquaintances in our community.  it is sooooo very sad.  yet it has also not been without hope.  hope brimming over amidst the pain and suffering...inspiring evidence of the difference Christ makes.  over and over again.  it can't be denied.  and i can't be silent about it.  how would i ever navigate these days without it?  how would they, the ones most deeply affected??  Hope floats on this rapid river of uncertainty and fear and unknown.  so grateful for that...

so for this week i think Layla's chalkboard creation will stand alone.  it seems most fitting for all that is unfolding around us.  may it encourage you...