Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Sloan's 2023

 can't wait for a year when all of us get to Sloan's together.  it's been a long while, so that will be amazing.  it's gotta happen.  one day.  still, this day at the end of November was still pretty great!  and so is the tree that's bringing such  joy in the family room all day long...i really do love it!

here are a few of the favourite photos!

Merry Christmas to all our family and friends! I hope this season brings peace and joy and refreshment for your souls! ❤

Tuesday, December 12, 2023


for these three it was a beautiful and crisp day for a run.  i was a walker and cheering spectator.  a great way to start a Saturday!

so blessed to have an active life and healthy family!

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

catch up

 a few fall stragglers that i wish to capture here.  good memories.  the kind to keep.

yes they are basic pumpkins, but for context, one of us carved five out of six.  a little slack please. :)

the important practice of "candy sorting" after the haul.  taught by daddy.