Wednesday, June 27, 2018

random pics

a few random disconnected photos.  a little like our life has been in June.  a wee bit "all over the place"...a bit of real life crazy sometimes.  

off to preschool one morning~ miss E. was delighted to have hair long enough to manage three small ponytails!  

PD day park time in the sun with the boys and their boards...

when you are gifted some beautiful bigger mattresses and move one into the oldest's bedroom, you can't do so (if you're truly of dutch upbringing) without a full and proper cleaning of her this delightful scene greeted me behind her dresser...did feel sooo good to send her a pic of her clean and tidy room that awaits her arrival home~ tomorrow!!! :)

sibling pool shenanigans that make me smile...

after dinner nap ("Siri, set an 11 minute timer" and then another ten minutes is usually added on to that! he's so cute and predictable) miss H. jumped up to torment him, but he really does love it!

a rare thing~ Hudson brought home art work that he was so proud of.  me too! a "colour wheel and a reptilian eye" his effort with this and ownership of his final result...

Wednesday, June 20, 2018


recently Hudson had his official golf debut with his dad and brother, and for Jeff it was the first time on the course in a very long time.  

brave frog right there, appearing with these three on the course!! :)


they loved it, and the carts were a bit of fun too!
there might be more of this happening this summer!  

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


beauty in a bouquet, from my sweet dad

i had a birthday yesterday.  reflective about many things.  thankful for many more.  trusting God more with life's challenges as i let my "death grip" hold on life's circumstances loosen ever so slightly, little by little.  God is good, He is faithful.  His promises are still true, still unchanging.  
so i picked this song as a fitting one to enter in to another year of living life as a mom, wife, daughter, friend, and daughter of the King...
this is my heart's cry
in a song...
happy birthday to me!

oh, one more thing, scrumptious came on my birthday in the form of a key lime cheesecake~ absolutely amazing...

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

how she likes it

when miss H. is left to pull up her own pants....."i do it!" she says.

not exactly flattering, but 110% adorable nonetheless...
plus two and a half is about the only age you can even get away with this "look" for more than two seconds, thank goodness!