Monday, September 23, 2019

what a kid

presenting right here, the week #2 Taco Bell player of the game!!  

way to go are nailing these football practices and games like someone twice your size with much more experience.  proud of your courage to go out there and give it your all! 

Tuesday, September 17, 2019


the fall rhythm is here and we're all settling into a new groove.  school and work and sports and all the rest of life has shifted yet again as our two oldest girls have returned to their programmes at their respective schools and the rest of us have settled into school and work and routine again.  this is my favourite season, still.  i've written about it many times before.  (side note~ initially when i started this blog, i loved recording our family events and also taking this space to write served as a bit of an outlet for me.  when writing about this season of autumn i would have gone into great detail about all my favourite parts.  the colours, the smells, the cozy remember that now, don't you?  fast forward to 2019, and truth be told, i'm a bit tired for that now.  i still very much wish to keep logging my family highlights, for memory's sake.  but the creative descriptive side of me is a bit weary, i guess.  which means this blog is still very much an accurate picture of where i'm at!  after all, if i sit too long staring at this computer screen my eyelids get heavy anyway.  one day i may return to more detail, more reflection, but mostly for now i'm sticking with the facts and pictures.  it is what it is.  and for once in my life i'm 100% okay with that.)
anyway, back to's in the air, and i've already enjoyed one cardamom latte so far this season.  it's a happy time and i savour these days before the cold darkness of winter descends upon us.  here's a picture of some pretty mums at a pretty stage...

to all, Happy Fall!

Monday, September 9, 2019

season underway!

do i ever have a lot to learn about football.  i need someone to give me a real quick and easy tutorial.  the basics i have, but i'm realizing i need much more than that to have any chance of not looking utterly clueless during the game.  why is it sooooo complicated?  and who made these rules anyway? sigh...

anyway, one scrimmage and one game is in the books.  Alemayehu (#17!!) is a happy guy, finally taking part in the sport he begged to try, working hard and contributing lots.  small but mighty out there.  proud of his effort, and hoping he stays injury-free.

Go Saints!!

Monday, September 2, 2019


recently my basketball loving boys got an amazing opportunity to attend their first NBYMP workshop.  (that's National Basketball Youth Mentorship Program ) it was the first time ever coming to Sarnia, and we feel so blessed the boys could go.

great coaching, mentorship, education and fun!

the added bonus was time with P., a super cool Haitian connection who loves basketball and hanging with my two even when months pass between visits.  there's a common bond there on many different levels.  it's sweet to witness. the extended visit with his mom was a true gift for me.  her journey mirrors mine in many ways~ and it's so valuable to hear her heart and soak up her wisdom and know that she fully gets it.

the exciting conclusion was Hudson being chosen as the weekend MVP.  he didn't see that coming and the Raptors shirt and recognition was timely and so appreciated.  
fond memories.  thanks NBYMP!!