Tuesday, August 28, 2018

and another

Layla is the designer of any new and updated chalk art that adds inspiration to my laundry room and garage entrance area.  

i love seeing scripture become visual in that place, where we come and go so frequently.  wish she had time to change it weekly because that would be a lot of verses!  even still, i appreciate her time and gifts a lot! 

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

front porch love

sure love the view from my new chairs on the front porch, a long awaited birthday gift i'm so enjoying.  

these two picking "flowers" for me...delightful

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


our feet have walked a long way together.  this journey of our earthly life is a path we happily share, side by side.  we are a solid team.  so grateful for the passage of time through thick and thin, joy and pain, laughter and tears.  this man is such a gift to me.  i knew it from date number one.

love you Jeff~ thanks for 24 years!!  congratulations to us!

Monday, August 6, 2018

these three

this guy is not a fan of spiders crawling in his shirt.  can't say i blame him.  was pretty hysterical seeing him trying to locate it though.  he did.  his method resembled his father's.  unfortunately the spider didn't make it.  

looking studious in his mother's glasses.  can't tell if he's really just looking older these days or if it's the eyewear!  i fear it's the first option.  my youngest is making a fast approach to 11.  

Hudson, one of the best helpers with the little girls.  always pitching in and making them laugh at every turn.  total goof ball.  

good to capture these pictures, because some days these characters give me a real run for my money.  love them so much though.