sometimes you read things that are countercultural, but refreshing and actually true. something that jumps off a page or screen and stops you short. it's often different than the popular message, the trendy philosophy of the day or the catchy narrative used to dress up deceptive lies that society adopts as truth.
this happened to me the other day on Instagram, of all places. (sooo, i held out on joining Instagram for a good long while, but when Layla mentioned her Tanzania team would be posting news there, i caved and opened my own account). well, you know how smart that social media algorithm is, right?! just linger over a quote or a reel for a second longer than normal and your feed is forever bombarded with similar posts. it can be good, and it can be maddening. for example, i watched one reel about a rescue of a dog living in horrible conditions and horrendous suffering and the IG or Facebook platform assumes i want to see such videos each and every day. but i don't. just cute puppies and babies~ more of those ones please...
recently, however, i did read these words. i like the truth they contain.
five things Jesus did not say...
"Follow your heart"
Jesus said, "Pick up your cross and follow ME"
"Be true to yourself"
Jesus said, "Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny himself"
"Believe in yourself"
Jesus said, "Believe in me"
"Live your truth"
Jesus said, "I am the truth"
"As long as you are happy"
Jesus said, "What will it profit a man if he gains the world but loses his soul"
i don't know who to credit for this, but to me it's really good. truth i know to be real and evident in my own life experiences. always a good reminder for me too. God's word doesn't change. culture and societal trends certainly do, at a blurring speed sometimes.
but the words of Jesus are good and true and you can take them to the bank. His heart for you is good, and His desire is for you to know Him. so thankful i do.
have burning questions? a great starting point is a book by Rick Warren called The Purpose Driven Life: What On Earth Am I Here For? it's a literal gem.
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