Layla is on the home stretch. in less than a month she'll be boarding a plane and taking with her all the parts and pieces that she'll forever hold in her heart from the past five and a half months with YWAM. both Hawaii and Tanzania have been amazing times for her. she'll certainly leave a part of her heart behind, i expect. she's had so many meaningful connections with staff and new friends and the sweetest children. her blog has beautifully articulated her journey so far, so feel free to catch up with her there...
i know i would have absolutely thrived with such an opportunity at that age. it would have sunk in deep and shaped me forever. we will always be grateful for the opportunity she's had to go. to learn and grow and serve and become. so many supported her in so many different ways to help facilitate this journey. thank-you if that has been you. God has been sooo good.
i'm soo looking forward to having her under the same roof again!
finish well, Lay! shine on...❤
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