Tuesday, July 23, 2019

then there was this...

so i'm behind.  a good month or so behind, actually....which is perfectly okay.  it's summer.  computer time screeches to a halt as do long stretches of quiet. the house is abuzz.  my primary roles to my crew shifts to Uber driver, chef, psychologist and referee, sometimes in that order and sometimes not.  it's far from glamorous, but necessary and still sooo valuable.  i know that.  i think they know it too, even if it's deep down...so, blogging gets short and sweet and extra light on substance and heavy on pictures, because otherwise it wouldn't happen at all.  true story.

back in June, my Haitian sensation graduated from grade eight.  i can't even begin to unpack all of the feelings that come with this milestone, so i'm going to drop a few of my favourite pictures from the evening, and leave it at that.  Hudson, you looked so handsome and somehow you are almost my height.  sigh...


love you like crazy, sweet son!  so thankful God brought us together, and in doing so i've learned so much, about life, survival, tenacity, surrender, leaning on Jesus and unconditional love....i love your smile and i love you, and i always will!  

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