Wednesday, February 12, 2014

boy party

a certain boy turns nine this week.  we celebrated this weekend by inviting the boys from his class to our home for a hockey party.  check out the sincerity in those smiles below! :) too funny....

seven sweet boys came and joined in the true Canadian theme of hockey on a backyard rink, with bitter cold temperatures just to make it really authentic (even with the bone-chilling temperatures these boys were all outside for over an hour on the rink, and one huge hockey fan still didn't want to come in even after Adam shut down the lights! it was precious and not what i expected at all.)
they were up for the challenge and seeing them enjoy themselves made it worth every minute of preparations.  my older girls quickly figured out that boy parties are very different than girl parties, and they are right! :) but once we got the boundless energy directed in appropriate ways, all was well! 
they were entertained, entertaining, and full of noise and giggles.  one little guy, in particular, couldn't stop his boisterous laughter at what seemed like every one of Jeff's jokes.  Jeff really liked him! :) 
there was pizza and cake and presents and play.  doesn't get much better than that. 
Hudson loved it.  that made me sooo happy. 
especially when sometimes the build-up of such events creates some turmoil for Hudson in the days that lead up to the actual day.  he's had a more difficult few weeks~ both in school and at home.  all expected and becoming predictable.  this is his February. he is just about to burst with anticipation.  we try very hard to minimize the intentional hype that surrounds a birthday for him~ yet still there is hype.  he knows it's coming, he does the math now~ counting days, and he is a boy who feels and lives in large ways.  so, with the party behind us and only the smaller family party ahead with the "real" birthday this week, he is doing his best to cope with the excitement. 
regardless, this boy is my dear, sweet treasure.  he brings me endless smiles and warm affection.  he is growing up, and with it we see small incremental changes that are in the right direction.  we are thankful....can't wait to see what God has planned for his future. 
happy birthday Hudson Pierre!  love you!

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