Friday, August 10, 2012


oh, the preciousness of this delightful clip...but first, the history...for several weeks now our family, in the spirit of competition and our overall desire to have healthy bodies, has been logging push-ups.  each of us trying daily to beat our personal best from the day before.  we work on technique and endurance and muscle strengthening.  it is so fun (until it is my turn) to see each one getting better and stronger, or in the case of AJ, more dramatic....

he must win some kind of record....26 (give or take...wink, wink...) pseudo push-ups with lots of effort and sound effects thrown doesn't really matter that the push-ups are like 1/8th of what they are supposed to be.  he's only four, after all.  sooo whattt that he's really doing more of a head-bob than any actual arm movement.  his Ethiopian cuteness makes up for all of the less than perfect technique, don't ya think?  

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