Wednesday, April 25, 2012

what a girl wants...

...she gets!!!  well, apparently she just has to smile sweetly, stare up at Grandpa with her big dark eyes and throw out a "simple" suggestion...and then, voila!!! 
i believe it went something like this...."hey Grandpa, do you think you could ever build a tree house for us?"  (insert facial expression conveying pure, innocent longing)

and so it began....built right around a maple tree while the leaves are just emerging from their buds.  perfect timing!

the process of tree selection, blueprint consideration, wood selection (thanks Uncle nice of you to share give Layla your wood, Grandpa spending hours in the workshop, deck construction (yes, a reading deck), fine details, ladder placement and securing the railing.

Grandma added the feminine cozy touch of two kid-sized pink and lime Muskoka chairs.  what's not to love???

i feel like i regress three years for every step of the ladder to the top.  it has a way of bringing out the "kid" in all of us....i remember fondly the "tree house" days of my childhood (hi Cam, miss you in my life), and let me just say, mine wasn't this nice!  design has come a long way since then! 

I suppose my dad has a wee bit more time now to dream up such things....truly, it feels almost magical inside.  the play options are wide open at this point...

so, no doubt there will be issues and scraps to resolve as all the kids work in various times to play.

it isn't just for Layla, of course, but she was the idea behind the reality and it's a wonderful dream come true for her.  being eight is is good....thanks so much Grandpa....

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