reading an amazing book by Jamie C. Finn, called Foster the Family. it's come out of her experience as a foster parent and advocate for kids and family and support for foster families. but my goodness, it's so much more than that. it's absolutely rocking me as i move slowly through its chapters. page after page points me back to God's word and promises and truth. i'm being challenged in my role as a foster parent and even more in my role as mom to all my dear kids.
if you are considering foster care, or already in the thick of this, or raising adopted or biological kids, consider this read. packed full of insight and encouragement.
here's a quote of her's that i saved...
"Control is an illusion. The illusion becomes harder to maintain the more people that you love. Love a partner, you've given up part of your heart, given up control. Become a parent, your whole heart might as well be walking around- toddling and skinning its knees and darting into traffic- outside of your chest. Become a foster parent, and well, you just lay yourself down in surrender, hands up, eyes down, giving it all up. There's no control anymore.
The beautiful thing about it? No one is ever, actually in control. Other people may get away with the illusion longer, live in the lie of control easier. Foster parents, we're snapped right out of that and into surrender.
Love is always a risk. Parenting forever leaves our hearts exposed. The fate of our kids is never in our hands. Foster care just forces us to admit this and accept this and surrender it all to Him.
This life of mine, it's out of control. My control. But it is perfectly under the control of the One who's always, only been in control, all along."
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