Wednesday, November 24, 2021


 sweet baby C has the most kissable toes.  he also has the cutest curls on the back of his head.  he's pure sweetness and when he grabs my leg and looks up at me with his hazel eyes, well, i can't help myself.  he's not a small baby anymore at all though, he's a busy, chatty toddler learning to navigate language and emotions and little legs that run.

we all know the cliché phrase about foster care and child welfare cases.  we hear it often, "the system is broken".  well, it actually is.  and this little fella is directly impacted by a system that is currently failing him, in my opinion at least.  prayers always welcomed for movement and action in his case so he can inch closer to forever, wherever and however that looks.  praying decision makers have wisdom and that God's very best plan for him rises to the top and that his heart is prepared for the days to come.  

in the meantime, we love you like crazy, little man. ❤

photo credits to Studio In The Attic 

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