Monday, March 9, 2020

U Sports

another wrestling post.  bear with me.  these are noteworthy and so significant, particularly for our two oldest daughters.  Hannah~ at her first U Sports tournament since her comeback to wrestling.
Joelle~ at her last U Sports tournament of her university days.  for us, it was blissful to be there, fully engaged and without the littles accompanying us so we could be fully present and soak it all up. 

this all-Canadian event is the real deal.  the best in each province compete.  the cream of the crop.  our girls were so happy to qualify.  they wrestled great, with such grit and character and overall just a great showing.  Hannah finished 6th.  Joelle finished 5th.

we loved every second.  so proud of their work on the mats.  so fun seeing them and catching up.  it was a bit emotional for all of us as Joelle wraps up her time on the McMaster team.  she's super grateful for the experiences and the friendships with teammates and the memories made.  it seems impossible that it's over, to be honest...

still, we're thankful it happened for Joelle and that we could enjoy the view as often as we did from the corner of the mat.  Hannah hopefully has a few more years to participate.  great job girls~ super courageous...we love you and will always be in your corner!

U Sports 2020~ Brock University, St. Catherines

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