Tuesday, April 5, 2016

heartwarming link

a link i enjoyed, right here .  so worth the read and listen.  a story of friendship, adoption, and crazy unusual outcomes that can only be chalked up to God.  just God.  in People magazine, no less!  People's writers don't exactly give the credit to God in the text, but i'm taking the liberty to do so here, because that's what i believe happened in this story.  a reminder to me once again of the beautiful way God's heart bends to the orphan.  He sees their plight.  He cares about the details of each and every fragile life.  He orchestrates the outcomes in such a way that undeniably shouts of His great love for us all, orphaned or not.  Psalm 68:6 says "God sets the lonely in families..." and in this case, He sure did! for these two boys, i guess you could even add on the end of the verse "and within a mile of his best friend."  love it so much....
i've mentioned here before how much our Hudson enjoys his friendship with a Haitian friend of his. they are from the same orphanage but missed eachother by a few months i think, yet even still they have a unique and special bond that is sweet to see.  they know where they came from.  they know their stories are similar and unique when compared to other friends they might have.  they seem to re-connect in a special way even if months go by between visits.  i hope they are friends for life...

anyway, hope you enjoy! and happy Tuesday!

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