Tuesday, March 8, 2016

throw back....tuesday??

ok, so this isn't Thursday....i know the "throw-back" rules for photos, i really do....but honestly, aren't these few treasures worth breaking the rules for??  i came across these gems the other day as i was hunting for another picture~ and quite literally, they melted my heart.  it's a flashback to spring 2011, as best as i can recall...first, i love the connection these brothers have.  most obviously seen with the two youngest, but still there with the oldest and youngest two as well.  it is sweet.  this was AJ's first Roadrunner's race of his young life~ 1 km in total.  i remember him clocking an impressive time of somewhere around 11 minutes.  three and a half years old at the time.  AJ has run many more races since, as our family enjoys this great club activity every spring to fall, once a month.  i think AJ's raising his arm when Mr. G. was asking the usual "is anyone here running with us for the first time??"  well AJ was, and he was ready....no early life setbacks would deter this young Ethiopian on this particular spring day.  it was priceless.  not sure where all the other kid competitors were at the moment of the shot, because there is always a full line-up of children running alongside ours.  maybe it was a test-run through the starting drill...looks like Hudson is "game on" and ready.

below, his big brothers helping him cross the finish line....

AJ~so happy to be finished, looking a little shell-shocked, but finished and about to be awarded a purple ribbon simply for participating.  back before the days when a purple ribbon is seen as a disappointment.

i truly loved these years.  thankful for picture memories to take me back. 
and now, back to the present....going off the grid for a bit to enjoy a week with my crew while they are off school.  back in a bit!! have a great week! 

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