Tuesday, August 13, 2024


 thirty years married.  how can it be?!  feels surreal and impossible somehow.  just the way time passes.  it also feels like the greatest of gifts.  the gift of time and togetherness for three whole decades...marriage is a covenant, before God, and one of truly sacred status.  that remains unchanged.  but being married to Jeff has never felt like an agreement, or anything that i needed to remind myself i'd signed my name to.  the promise remains utterly important, but more to say that my commitment to Jeff has been the really easy part.  he has my whole heart. 

and to think that God in His goodness saw fit to bring us together so long ago, to give me this life partner who is by my side through thick and thin, well, that is no small thing.   

in the above picture we were babies...my word. the picture below~ no longer babies...
but here were are anyway, heading out for our dinner date to celebrate.

grateful for all these years. we've shared so much.  so glad i took the time to seek God's will when choosing my partner.  because i landed "one of the good ones", to be sure...

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