Tuesday, December 23, 2014

"Christmas Eve Eve"

last night one of the kids announced "tomorrow we can say tomorrow is Christmas Eve!!!"  you follow??  so, that's today i guess!  wishing you a meaningful Christmas filled with sweet joy,


and rest!

...stop and consider Jesus this season, a King born in a humble stable~ the only true lasting Reason for celebrating at all...
Merry Christmas!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


yesterday (and the day before, cuz we spread it out a bit) was a special one for AJ.  his fourth "gotcha day", or adoption day or family day, as many prefer.  that's another blog post. but don't wait for it! :) our boys have always known this day as "gotcha day" so we aren't going to change it on them now, even though we understand there are more accurate word choices floating out there now. 
every year this day hits in the middle of all things Christmas.  it comes up fast, and i'm usually somewhat taken aback by the thoughts that come with it.  it's big, it's the most amazing memory, it's the reminder of God's direct and clear miracle in this sweet boy's life (and ours!), it's the loss, it's the joy, it's a lot.  i won't talk about it much here as i touched on some adoption related stuff last month.  but honestly, every year this is significant for me as i remember (here's the blog post from the actual day we took the bumpy ride back to our guesthouse with our new son on my lap), feel overwhelming gratitude, and put into motion a way to highlight this day for our son. 
we had a yummy and spicy African chicken stew over rice, Ethiopian honey bread and cream puffs for dessert.  AJ wanted to decorate his own, and did a fabulous job...
AJ got a new t-shirt and a letter from me...here's one bit from what i wrote...
"But then, God did something BIG!  God saw your struggles, He saw the losses…He saw your need for a forever family to grow up into.  He saw your personality and your character and He decided you would fit well here!  With us!  He looked at this crazy family in Canada, and He knew I longed to be a mommy to another child, and He knew Hudson would do well to have a brown brother in his forever family~ and He chose you, to be with us, FOREVER!!!  And He did all of that through a spectacular miracle!  I can’t wait until you are old enough to understand more of the details and we can share how this whole journey to Ethiopia began….God clearly gave us you..." 
in my life, it's definitely during the times of refection and looking back that my perspective for the future is that much clearer.  thankful for that!  thankful for this sweet seven year old on his special day...

Wednesday, December 10, 2014


last year i mentioned this song.  of the approximate 300,000 views on YouTube i hate to think how many of those have been me! :) i still love it to pieces.  this year there are a few others to add to my "go to" list of must play tracts during Christmas wrapping, baking or just about anything...
life is full during this month of December, to be sure.  these lyrics and melodies have a way of taking me back to the Hope behind all of it.  i love that....so, add to last year Mary's Boy Child by Pentatonix....such crazy talent and i can't even believe the beauty of their voices and delivery.  mind-blowing.  and one more...just because i'm in a sharing mood! :) have fun singing along!  happy Christmas!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


the theme of the week is giving! :)  obviously we all love the season for what we "get"....wrapped treasures, rest and time off, sweet Christmas treats, and shiny new "things"....in the end, however, nothing, absolutely nothing compares to the feeling of giving, especially when the gift being given literally has the power to change the course of one's life, forever. 
so, a couple of links to point you in that direction as we all remember the true meaning of this wonderful season.
first, an amazing team (including some dear friends!) from our church family is currently in El Salvador building houses and relationships with a local community there.  this is a long-term investment that has been developing over the past five years, and many lives here and there have been impacted.  check in and browse their daily blog posts to be encouraged and inspired!
finally, WestJet has done it again!  last year i linked to their Christmas Giving Miracle, and this year's video proved to be another tear-jerker for me.  no surprise there.  how badly do i want to work for WestJet???!?!  you don't even know...the 2014 Christmas miracle captures the Spirit of Giving in a beautiful way and is a good reminder to all of us~ of our many many blessings and the responsibility we have to give from our place of abundance...
check out the "why we did it" to learn more of the back-story about why WestJet chose to invest in the location and manner that they did.  so beautiful.  enjoy!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

this makes me smile

time for another installment in the series of blog posts dedicated to the subject of things that make me smile.  there are many days when i'm laughing out loud with/at my kids and the funny things that routinely come up throughout our busy days.  other days we simply don't laugh enough, and that is just unfortunate as i'm reminded again how short life is and how fast it passes by...
so, Hudson's grade four teacher at the new school recently sent home a folder of some of his early stories and drawings.  this is always fun to see, for lots of different reasons.  Hudson has never loved anything related to arts and crafts.  must get that from me! :)  he'd much rather be outside swinging a bat, throwing a ball, jumping on a trampoline, playing football, etc.....basically anything physical wins out over anything requiring slow, methodical and precise handwork.  that's just soooo boring to him!!!!  however recently, in the last year or so, i've noticed a bit of an improvement in this area.  he actually is becoming quite creative in his storytelling and once his art skills catch up i believe he'll enjoy it all a whole lot more.  i'm so proud of his effort in this area, because literally it's like these basic skills that are typically picked up at a much earlier age are just being acquired now.  simply because school is forcing him to address it.  he's just never been interested and we've not demanded it from him.  there were more pressing things to consider anyway!  plus, in some ways i can relate.  i think my parent's "arts and crafts" genes skipped a generation and may have landed in a few of my kids instead.  thankfully, mom and dad love me anyway.  just ask my mom about the day she gave me a "basic" lesson with her sewing machine.  only once.  she saw the sad reality before her eyes.  not pretty.  never again.  it scarred both of us.  anyway, moving on...
well, here are a few pieces from Hudson's folder that made my day...i think if you click on the picture it will enlarge it for you...maybe.

the coat of arms is done in the colours of the Haitian flag. 

i have to admit that Hudson would be an amazing tour guide.  the total package of likeable and fun and proud of his homeland.  and he can talk (we agreed he should start by working extra hard on his French, and eventually then Creole) and "wing it" as he goes....yep, that's a gift of his...not sure the position of "tour guide" is needed much in Haiti, but if it was, he could do it.
so, that led to a conversation of me visiting Hudson in Haiti for one month every winter when he's living and working there and then AJ said i could come and spend a month with him in Ethiopia each winter (apparently he's going back too).  i told them i'd come and spend time with my grandkids too (doing anything but artsy crafts and sewing) and then they could take their wives out on a nice date while grandma watches the children...it would be win-win for all of us.  they were just grinning at the crazy thought of all of that...me too!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


November is National Adoption Month, or Adoption Awareness Month.  i've heard it called both.  and because of this, i've been doing lots and lots of reading on the topic as of late.  there is much out there in the cyber world about this subject.  some good, and some a wee bit discouraging.  overall, however, this continues to be a topic that i'm so passionate about.  for two obvious (and cute! :)) reasons, of course, and even more than that, i feel completely sure that God has placed this on my heart as part of my divine purpose here.  to be a voice for those who have no voice, to advocate for the fatherless....
some other things i know:
~ the resulting joy of an adoption comes only after profound loss happens first.  yes, this loss may be redeemed through the healing that comes from the presence of a "forever family", yet the pain and scars of the loss will forever remain, in varying degrees.  this is just tough. no way around it.  adoptees say this so often surfaces during various life stages and is a process of working through the layers of grief, repetitively.  then, factor in race and differences of cultures and identity questions and it just complicates things further.  
~ i don't believe adoption is for everyone, but i one hundred percent believe that everyone who is able should be investing somehow in the life of orphans, one way or another.  there are endless ways and places and causes that are all working to alleviate the worldwide orphan crisis.  God bless them for their tireless efforts!
~ locally, the greatest need is for families who are willing to consider offering a permanent home to children over ten years of age.  this is not for the faint of heart, obviously, but the greatest desire these kids have is to belong, and they wait for that day, hoping against all odds it comes...
~ adoption is such a beautiful parallel to the way i'm adopted into the family of God by the great sacrifice of God's Son, Jesus.  little me~ unworthy, imperfect, utterly sinful~ in need of a Father to say "i love you unconditionally. you cannot change this fact.  you cannot earn my love, it just is....and always will be" whoa...that moves me...what about my life would matter without the acceptance of that matchless gift? absolutely nothing...
~ lastly.  adoption has taken me to places of greater trust, greater love, greater faith, and a sense of being closer to God's heart than ever before.  it has not been simple, without stress, affordable (gulp), or even without days of doubt.  yet through every single day since our hearts were stirred to adopt~ we have known without a shadow of doubt that this was God's plan and will for our family.  so, i will continue to trust Him for the future of our family too.  because He has been faithful, and will always be there with us through the rolling waves of life.
so, i leave you with some links our SEMC Orphan Care Ministry has been sharing with our church family, and a few others.  if ever there are any adoption related questions, i would be happy to do my best to answer them or steer you in the direction of someone who could. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

bedtime prayers, by Hudson

(first, hi Angela! :))
Hudson's prayer the other night was sweetness and special all rolled together. he covered his adoption, his Haitian relatives, his brother AJ, and then finished with "I pray that you'll find an awesome girl for me to marry someday."
and i added in a barely audible whisper "not yet, dear God, not yet...."
i love the prayer.  love his sincerity.  still, i'm just hoping every prospective young girl ignores him for another decade.  that could happen, couldn't it??! 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


two little hambones remained back home with me while the oldest four were off to wrestling practice with daddy.  all the pumpkins had been individually self-designed, emptied of seeds and carved (Adam and I).  when the time came to finally light the candles placed inside each one these two crazies joined me on the front porch for pictures.  had to use the flash to see them. :)
it was windy and chilly that night, but pj's and boxers were the choice for the photos ("we're not cold!!!!")  they had their silly going on this particular night, and only this picture was even reasonable enough to post.  AJ is all into hand gestures and posing these days.  oh dear...

Adam's~ 100% by himself...


AJ wanted a Batman logo.  we tried.  don't judge.  i have zero artistic ability.  the seven year old boy was happy.



Joelle...i picked the heart for her myself because she wasn't here to carve it~ mostly because it was simple and quick after carving four others,  and also because i love her.  so much.

then the yummy roasted seeds.  i truly love all of these parts of fall so much. 

now, bring on Christmas!!! :)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

my five runners

cross country season is officially complete.  the five oldest competed, and AJ is just simply too young to enter, but his day is coming!  we are truly so proud of their efforts to prepare daily for these events.  the highschool girls had practice four times a week, and this involved lots of conditioning and distance running to be "race-ready" for the various meets.  they both did great~ consistently finishing in the top third of their category.  the younger three were part of the team at the new school.  to even qualify for a spot on the team, a requirement was that they log forty kilometres in training, most being completed on their own time.  that was big~ simply just in finding the days and daylight to get it all in by the deadline.  Hudson and i enjoyed many 2-3 km jogs down our road together.  some days he'd be all "mr. energy" and other days he'd need some encouragement and reminders that he is "Haitian strong".  he persevered, made the team, and even went on to compete at the district level where he finished 22nd out of 71 nine year old boys.
Layla joined a strong team of 11 year old girls already at the new school.  they competed so well that their combined team points got them the pennant at the district level.  individually, Layla finished 10th from 63 girls at district level, which was impressive all on its own, but even more so when i learned she'd fallen over a tree root out on the course.  she came in with mud on her knees and a bruised up shoulder, but her determination was delightful to see!  this course also contained an ominous hill which was pretty difficult for them as it wasn't something they'd trained for.
Adam was equally determined. through other sports and community events, he knew many of the runners that faced him at the start line. solid, competitive runners that were there on a mission. he had a goal of keeping a certain one in view at all times, and even at district level he managed to do so. he finished 27th out of approx 60-70 13-year old boys.
overall, i think all five were pleased. it had been hard work, but a great season to be out enjoying some trails and the benefits of cardiovascular work-outs. we praised their commitment and perseverance even through the discomfort...here's hoping a healthy lifestyle with lots of varied activity becomes their chosen pattern for years to come.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

coffee...on an anniversary

i realize this is two posts in a row about Ethiopia.  i'm on an accidental roll! :)  yes, i've been remembering this "country of coffee" often this month, and it just so happens today is the anniversary of the court appearance when AJ became legally ours~ when we first heard a judge utter the words "he's yours." four years ago. crazy....reading that post over is just the best memory...so clear still. oh how i wish i had these journal accounts for each delivery of my four homegrown kids and Hudson's adoption too....i don't, so the baby books will have to do. 
back to the coffee....these articles and stories come to me by way of an adoption group i'm part of online.  there are some women there who are great resources for all things adoption and Ethiopia.  it's like they sit and scour the internet all day for anything related.  i'm sure they really don't, they have kids and families too, but wow~ are they ever a great wealth of information!  this article on the coffee business in Ethiopia is fascinating, to me at least.  Jeff and i have purchased coffee at two of the cafes mentioned and pictured, as well as partaken in the traditional coffee ceremonies and the beautiful way Ethiopians show their hospitality through this event....fond memories (wild understatement!)  great coffee.  great people. 
there, i'm done now.  for awhile at least...

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


i can't stop watching this, three and a half minutes that take me back....so well done that i can almost taste the injera, smell the roasting coffee beans, and hear the bustling sounds that i remember so well from our time in Ethiopia...this week marks four years since we first laid our feet down on the red soil of that exotic and amazing land.  with our two oldest daughters we took in all that we could on that journey to our dear AJ...it was unforgettable and one we hope to repeat someday.  even if you've never been, this gives you a small window into Ethiopian cuisine and culture....enjoy!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

tooth fairy

this is the first front tooth to be lost by AJ, our last and youngest child.  sniff, sniff...this happened a few weeks ago, and actually it was his big, brave cousin that took on "tooth-pulling" duties.  i was glad because pulling teeth is something i strongly dislike, especially when they aren't literally just hanging and instead have a bit of a root still attached, as did this one...but AJ wanted it out and was determined the time had come.  he wiggled it and wiggled it all through the morning church service...he was on a mission.
AJ was a bit worried the tooth fairy would take his tooth, so i encouraged him to write a note to ease his concerns.  after all, it was a very fine front tooth and any smart tooth fairy would want to take it with her...thankfully, the message was clear enough that the tooth remained there the next morning with two dollars....he was an excited little man and so happy to go to school to show the "new look".

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

new school

back in April i blogged about change...a school change was in the works for our four youngest, and we are finally on the other side of that much anticipated, frequently discussed change.  we are almost one month in at the new school, and i can honestly say~ all is well!  so happy to be able to write that....wow!  i don't want to over-spiritualize this post, really i don't....because i know all the cliche lines some might be thinking, like "kids are resilient", "kids change schools all the time", "kids adapt easier than adults often do", etc....often that is all very true.  even still, we have been sooooo incredibly cared for during this process by God's clear, undeniable orchestration of events.  on the day i went to register them for school, back in June, i spent about 45 minutes there filling out paperwork for each child, meeting with the secretary and principal and having some questions answered...i'll spare the details, but i did leave that day and sit in my minivan and find tears streaming down my face as i texted my dear husband....i believe the text said "God is so good!"  honestly, there were four different instances during that first visit that communicated to me without a doubt that God had gone ahead of me, working out details in ways that only He could, soothing my concerned mother's heart and showing me His great love for me and our kids.  sooo God....
here on the first day, excited and waiting for the bus...picture quality is rough, i know.  i'll probably regret that one day....add it to the list :)
Adam, passing time on his unicycle...because it is so easy and relaxing~ yah, not at all really!!!  this alone is worthy of its own blog post....the boy is so patient with certain things like making LEGO candy dispensing machines and safes that actually lock and learning to stay upright on this lethal contraption unicycle...he amazes me... 

at the moment of taking the last picture i was unable to see through my watery eyes...must have been those horrible allergies. :)  actually, it was deep love for my crew, and that feeling of sending my chicks off into new and unknown...they were ready.  they were set.    

so, we went into September feeling excited and overall just really looking forward to getting started.  all four have settled in so well.  in particular, Hudson is set up with resources that are extra suitable for his learning style and attention struggles.  he is seeing more success (so far...we'll take it!) and seems genuinely happy to come home with less homework and more time to play outside and run and be a boy....that is huge for both of us!!!  all the kids have friends they've met for the first time and some they knew from TCA and even a cousin in Layla's class!  she is really enjoying that...the teachers are very kind and seem really checked in already to the kids and their varied personalities and learning tendencies .  we are super thankful to see their sadness of saying goodbye to TCA be followed up with a wonderful transition that has left me utterly grateful.  and did i mention they ride the bus??? wow, that is pretty nice after twelve years of driving to and from school, five days a week...they hop on the bus bright and early and pile in the door at the end of the day with stories and information spilling out. it is good...so far Adam and Layla have both played on soccer teams with a tournament last week and are training now for cross country.  Hudson will be old enough to run this year too.  we are full speed ahead into the new school year and already it is feeling like we are in a routine and adjusted.  thanks for sticking with the details in this post...i know it will be cherished one day when we all look back. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

this made me smile

my sweet seven year old (just today! what??!! how is my baby seven????) shared a funny happening with me last week when he returned from school.  he was unloading his backpack and had a particular expression on his face.  the typical expression quickly alerted me that he had something to tell me, and it wasn't necessarily good.  so, i jumped right in...
me: "AJ, what's up?  you look like you have something to tell me...did something happen at school today?"
AJ: "yeah"  nodding his head slowly, his big eyes looked serious, as though whatever happened had been monumental, like "a visit to the principal" sort of stuff....
me: "what happened?"
AJ: barely above a whisper "i told B. that i liked her today and she said she is going to tell the teacher on me."
me: "oh, okay...well, what would make her want to tell the teacher?  were you doing anything else that would upset her?"  :) i've been at this long enough....it just didn't add up.
AJ: "well, actually i told her i didn't like her~ i loved her, and i was staring at her and following her at recess..."  there, it was out....i sensed his relief.
me: "uh-huh....that makes more sense now.  do you think you were creeping her out a bit with the stalking routine annoying her a little with all of those things?"
AJ: "yes, and she said she's going to tell the teacher on Monday!!" he wasn't happy about that one bit...

a sweet conversation ensued about crushes and nice, pretty girls and how to handle these feelings when you are six years old...i think he gets it now.  i kept my facial expression focused and serious, because clearly to him this was significant and real.  later, i thought about how precious it had been to hear a little of his heart and feelings...this boy tends to wear his heart on his sleeve and i was happy to catch a glimpse of it that day...

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


right from day two of knowing our nineteen-month old son, Hudson, we knew he had moves.  i may have even blogged about this before, and if i did, forgive me.  the old memory isn't quite as sharp as a decade or two ago...i blame the kids for that...
we were driving the crazy streets of Haiti, with my sweet little man on my lap, wrapped around me as i held him tight.  no carseats in Haiti~ and while i was thrilled to finally be holding him, it was a bit unnerving considering how nutty the traffic was.  think crowds of people on each side of the road, animals and giant trucks everywhere, going every which way, loudly and forcefully.  Hudson was a little under the weather at the time, with a low-grade fever and rattly chest cough that was later diagnosed as pneumonia ...so, there Hudson sat, quiet and still and soaking up the love of his mama...until we turned a corner and passed a vehicle that had loud music blaring from its open windows.  well, the deep bass sounds caught the attention of our Haitian Sensation, and he immediately started dancing to the pulsating beat, forward and back, forward and back.  i noticed it right away, and many times after in those early weeks.  one day we caught Hudson in Hannah's room, in front of her CD player.  he'd managed to turn it on and was grooving to her CD, all on his own.  happy and content to be moving.  he had rhythm (more than our entire crew combined) and loved to dance. 
fast forward to today.  apparently when i leave to pick up a kid somewhere or run an errand, the kids will often have spontaneous dance parties.  i'm not sure why i must leave for this to happen, because i think i'd be okay with it while here, however, something about mom being gone makes it a little more wild, loud and free, i'm sure...sadly, that's probably true.  i get that, i guess...so, recently Hudson's big sister recorded a small snippet of a dance party or two.  they made their way here because this is soooo the essence of Hudson.  so Haitian, charismatic, energetic, fun, and just a joy to watch....we all love to watch him dance.  it is always different, always unique and always hysterically funny...

what a nut!!  never dull with him, ne-ver dull....

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


huge congratulations to Hudson and his Wrangler baseball teammates!!!  two weeks ago they competed at the OBA's in the final, end of season provincial championship tournament.  the small town boys took home the trophy in a spectacular display of endurance, teamwork, perseverance, skill and good sportsmanship.  the weekend was intense with several games being complete nailbiters.  my own stomach was in knots...and to think i was once sure that baseball was horrendously boring to watch and never wished to see my kids play it....how wrong was i???  (thankfully, my dear mother never gave up in her desire to see a ball player in the family...) the tournament record for the Wranglers was 5-1, with the final championship game going right down to the last hit, at two-outs, and bases loaded for the opponents, they were down by one run when the "star-of-the-game" player, Hudson's partner out field, made a tricky catch in left centre field to end the game...

Hudson had his own moments of sheer greatness that were a delight to watch.  he showed a consistent solid attitude that whole weekend, and we loved loved loved seeing this....he also had several clutch hits that brought in RBI's to tie the game or move the Wranglers ahead more than once.  during these moments i wondered if i'd lose my voice from cheering so wildly.  so much fun!!!

seeing his white teeth grinning back at the fans in the stands from first base made my heart sing...plus, his solid arm out in centre field was dependable to get the ball back in to second base fast and accurately.  he has improved so much since last year.  still, as i said to his coaches and i know i've said here before, this is all so much more than the game of baseball for our son.  Hudson continues to grow and mature steadily, and baseball for sure has played a part in that process~ and it's still just the beautiful game of ball he sooooo loves...

after the hard fought battle to the end, with the golden glove trophy in the hands of the Wrangler team, there was a long trip home to recap the highlights of the weekend.  all eight of us had a fun time capping off our summer on this weekend away.  summer and baseball~ i already miss both...
once home, the celebrating continued with a traditional nighttime firetruck parade through the streets, followed by boys and coaches on the back of pick-up trucks, complete with police escorts.  lots of sirens, flashing lights, and honking horns.  the boys loved it all....i had to laugh because all season we've been harping on the fact that it isn't all about winning, it's learning to lose well~ with grace and class, to have a positive attitude and display good sportsmanship, etc, etc....but with two other fall parades scheduled for the winning Wranglers (aka OBA champions :)) i can't help but wonder if the "but winning sure is fun!!" mantra is overshadowing the message we worked so hard on....i guess next year will be the true test of that...
so, we close the chapter on baseball 2014.  next year it's real-life pitchers, and no more pitching machine.  it's base stealing, bunting, etc...for now, we feel beyond blessed to have had the opportunity to see our kids (AJ too) enjoy this great game.  in this great country.  with such limitless possibilities before them...

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

now playing

two words.  Rend Collective. great band and great song...thanks to Joelle for introducing me to them and their sound.  while at camp all summer she said this song was one staff and campers played often.  she knows the particular sound i love and knew this would be on repeat for me, and it has been!!  turns out this band has lots of other great songs i enjoy too.  i might just need to locate a concert, i heard they are touring soon.
so, here it is.....this is My Lighthouse.  i'll always tie this to Summer 2014.  i love the lyrics most...i'm so very thankful God is my beacon of light and hope and truth during all of life's storms...Amen....

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

pool day in Haiti

Hudson spent fourteen months living at an orphanage in Haiti.  this amazing place was life-changing for him.  they were the "game-changer" that began to get his little life heading in the right direction~ toward health and wellness and family.  God's Littlest Angels orphanage continues to stay-the-course in Haiti, consistently developing new ways to meet the needs of its country's littlest ones.  they clearly care about these kids in a deeply sacrificial way that speaks to the hearts of those that oversee this ministry.  check out God's Littlest Angels pool day to get a small glimpse into a very exciting day they recently shared with the children.  for many of these toddlers and kids it must have been a few hours of pure delight...i can't help but parallel our own experiences this summer, where my kids have access to a swimming pool each and every day if they wish.  they have green space all around to explore and play.  more than that, they have a forever family where the question of permanence never has to enter their minds.  there is little thought or concern about the future for them.  they do not share the same uncertainty these kids face....all that considered, a fun, splashy, silly pool day at GLA must have meant that much more to them.  such a treat!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


a summer stroll, watching my boys on their bikes with arms in the air, soaking up summer....
life is good....

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

more than just a haircut

an old camp friend visited a few weeks ago.  well, he's not old, but our friendship is old.  :) or maybe long-standing sounds better.  tried and true.  comfortable.  cherished.  we have been friends forever  (since we were around 13, we figure...) and the friendship was solidified every year at youth retreats and summer camp. such fun times!!!  it was an absolute joy to revisit old memories, make new memories, and just connect with him and his sweet wife and family over a couple of days, together with another dear family of long-time friends.  the older i get, the more this sort of stuff means to me. 
one of the highlights for me, on many different levels, was watching C. give Hudson a haircut.  out of the blue he offered to cut Hudson's hair, and Hudson of course jumped at the idea.  what started as a very handsome fade, turned into more of a faux-hawk that Hudson had requested.  either way, it was very special and so much more than a haircut...

 thanks C. for sharing a bit of yourself with our dear son.  he loved it~ as much as he loves his new haircut.  your hair skills are solid :), your kindness is genuine, your presence was meaningful.  thanks, my friend!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


summer lunches are so much more fun and relaxed than the rest of the year...
i read about this muffin tin idea on another blog a few years ago~ hardly anything i do is my own creative genius~ just being real! :)  anyway, it's funny how giving lots of choices to kids is always a successful way to get them to consume healthy foods.  i also read that many years ago.  and it's true!  when given the choice between two healthy options you allow the child the control to choose, and therefore distract from the fact that the choices usually aren't Twinkies and Swiss Rolls!  mmmm, it's been too long since i've had Swiss Rolls....
anyway, this is a fun way to present lunch in the summer.  throw in some ranch dressing or veggie dip and it also helps.  this is another secret i found worked well when my kids were small and even now.  when there is something to dip into, such as salsa, hummus, yogurt, etc....it makes the meal more interesting.  interesting is good when it comes to meals that have a way of getting repetitive and boring over time...
other muffin tin ideas~ popcorn, carrot sticks, celery, dried fruit, apple slices, cut up watermelon, pineapple, crackers, nacho chips, pretzels, cheese cubes, etc...you get it, right?

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

iron kids

our four youngest competed recently in the Ironkid Triathlon in Brights Grove.  this is a really fun event.  two had done it before, but for AJ and Hudson this was their first time.  for them, the race included a 50 metre swim, 2.5 km bike ride and a 1 km run.  for Layla and Adam the race distance was a 100 metre swim, a 5 km bike ride and a 2 km run.  i could go on and on about this day, but i'll mostly let the pictures speak for themselves.  below, pre-race registration and bike check...

listening to the rules of the race.  all four "getting their game on"....worth noting was the intense questioning we received from AJ the whole week prior to the race.  he covered everything...."where will i leave my bike?", "how will i know where to go?" etc....thankfully, a few days before the actual race we'd gone for a family bike ride and pretty much taken them all through the course, so it wasn't completely unfamiliar....

walking to the starting point down on the beach...
entering the chilly water...worth noting~ Layla took on some water early in the swim.  there are, after all, bodies all together in close proximity, and separating from the pack is difficult at that distance.  she was struggling enough to catch her breath after swallowing water that she instinctively rolled to her back and floated/did back stroke until she was breathing well again.  she finished last out of the water, and there was much ground to make up...but my fierce and determined one did not let that get her down...
Hudson~ racing like he'd done this before.  his face said "i'm good, i'm going for it, i'm strong"...how far he's come.  and if you're thinking the pics are really just average, you are right.  me with a cell phone, just trying to see all of them and get them through each transition point.  between Jeff and I we still didn't catch each one.  it was a whirlwind and over so quickly.
AJ coming in from his bike course and ready to transition to the run.  also worth noting, AJ apparently fell at the very beginning of his ride, and had the skinned knee to show for it at the finish line.  neither of us saw him fall as we were helping our other kids get dried off and onto their bikes.  he says he fell, got up, and then just kept riding!  AJ also just mastered two wheels officially last month.  the training wheels have been off for a lonnngg time, but after many delays he finally agreed to keep practicing until he got it, just last month!  when he was four he'd say "i'll learn when i'm five", when he was five he'd say "i'll learn when i'm six, etc....so, this summer his siblings bribed him to practice riding for time on their devices, and it finally worked! i had started to give up and figured he'd learn when he really wanted to~ but hey~ their bribes worked!  thanks Adam and Hannah!
Adam~ solid and strong all day.  he made it look easy. 
Layla, gaining ground and almost at the finish line!
AJ~ almost there!!
post race picture~ a few smiles look a bit forced, which i think is understandable....they were all tired and glad to be done. 
lunch!!!  yummy hotdogs, cookies and water bottles for all competitors.  discussing the race with dad.  speaking of dad~ also worth mention is his completion of the Sprint Triathlon the day prior.  he competed himself with lots of other brave people and finished strong.  especially considering he didn't train for the day at all...because that's how he rolls... :)
so, the final results are:
AJ~ sixth place out of twelve in his age group
Hudson~ seventh place out of twenty-six in his age group
Layla~ third place out of fifteen in her age group
Adam~ sixth out of eleven in his age group
Jeff~ thirty-ninth out of ninety-seven total competitors
great day~ great kids....and the big kid too!  so proud of all of you for your courage and effort!