Tuesday, October 21, 2014

coffee...on an anniversary

i realize this is two posts in a row about Ethiopia.  i'm on an accidental roll! :)  yes, i've been remembering this "country of coffee" often this month, and it just so happens today is the anniversary of the court appearance when AJ became legally ours~ when we first heard a judge utter the words "he's yours." four years ago. crazy....reading that post over is just the best memory...so clear still. oh how i wish i had these journal accounts for each delivery of my four homegrown kids and Hudson's adoption too....i don't, so the baby books will have to do. 
back to the coffee....these articles and stories come to me by way of an adoption group i'm part of online.  there are some women there who are great resources for all things adoption and Ethiopia.  it's like they sit and scour the internet all day for anything related.  i'm sure they really don't, they have kids and families too, but wow~ are they ever a great wealth of information!  this article on the coffee business in Ethiopia is fascinating, to me at least.  Jeff and i have purchased coffee at two of the cafes mentioned and pictured, as well as partaken in the traditional coffee ceremonies and the beautiful way Ethiopians show their hospitality through this event....fond memories (wild understatement!)  great coffee.  great people. 
there, i'm done now.  for awhile at least...

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