Tuesday, September 16, 2014


right from day two of knowing our nineteen-month old son, Hudson, we knew he had moves.  i may have even blogged about this before, and if i did, forgive me.  the old memory isn't quite as sharp as a decade or two ago...i blame the kids for that...
we were driving the crazy streets of Haiti, with my sweet little man on my lap, wrapped around me as i held him tight.  no carseats in Haiti~ and while i was thrilled to finally be holding him, it was a bit unnerving considering how nutty the traffic was.  think crowds of people on each side of the road, animals and giant trucks everywhere, going every which way, loudly and forcefully.  Hudson was a little under the weather at the time, with a low-grade fever and rattly chest cough that was later diagnosed as pneumonia ...so, there Hudson sat, quiet and still and soaking up the love of his mama...until we turned a corner and passed a vehicle that had loud music blaring from its open windows.  well, the deep bass sounds caught the attention of our Haitian Sensation, and he immediately started dancing to the pulsating beat, forward and back, forward and back.  i noticed it right away, and many times after in those early weeks.  one day we caught Hudson in Hannah's room, in front of her CD player.  he'd managed to turn it on and was grooving to her CD, all on his own.  happy and content to be moving.  he had rhythm (more than our entire crew combined) and loved to dance. 
fast forward to today.  apparently when i leave to pick up a kid somewhere or run an errand, the kids will often have spontaneous dance parties.  i'm not sure why i must leave for this to happen, because i think i'd be okay with it while here, however, something about mom being gone makes it a little more wild, loud and free, i'm sure...sadly, that's probably true.  i get that, i guess...so, recently Hudson's big sister recorded a small snippet of a dance party or two.  they made their way here because this is soooo the essence of Hudson.  so Haitian, charismatic, energetic, fun, and just a joy to watch....we all love to watch him dance.  it is always different, always unique and always hysterically funny...

what a nut!!  never dull with him, ne-ver dull....

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