Tuesday, July 30, 2024

the preschool chapter

 you know that Trace Adkins song, You're Gonna Miss This?  well, that missing it part~ i already do...i totally miss it.  yes~ two years of the security of preschool.  the fun, the friends, the kindest teacher, the routine~ sooo good.  and then we blinked, and Cree is four, and moving on to bigger learning and experiences.  with my first round of kids there was almost always another one at home, so the jump to full-time school didn't seem like quite as big of a leap for me personally, although it sure did for the kiddos.  still, here we are.  i've soaked it up, super intentionally and happily.  there are "those days", of course, but overall this boy has been soooo fun.  he's my sidekick, my helper, my entertainment, my snuggler, my perspective shifter, my sous chef, my constant conversation starter.  i'm really going to miss him and it rips my heart out a little to realize that this chapter is turning and closing.  can't believe the blur of it all...

so, to sum it up, a few pictures.  one, of a morning highlight at King's Kids, "sleeping bunnies", where his sweet friend has his arm on his back, and next, his favourite car to ride in the gym...

another few of graduation and friends and the formal grad pic too, taking by 
Vivian Morningstar Photography...

below, Cree and Mrs. Kristen. she is just sooo sweet...

thank-you King's Kids for a wonderful introduction to school!  Cree loved it!

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

just a few pics

 no time for more than this today.  just a few simple photos. they are sweet ones, in my totally biased opinion :)

Canada Day 2024

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 little man Cree turned four last month...this post comes a bit late, but hey, it's here.  

the cake below, by Hodgepodge cakes, is a pretty close "take" on Cree's favourite thing, what he calls "Grandpa's tractor".  i blogged about his obsession last month, i believe.

so grateful for all of him...the struggling, tantrum parts and the "sweet as pie", deep thinking parts.  he is social and smart.  he is emotional and definitely a deep feeling kid.  he loves to play hard, and seems to have the makings of a little athlete.  yes, we're definitely biased! ;)  he has agility, speed, and interest in a variety of sports already.  he loves to bike, and more recently swim. oddly though, one of his other favourite activities is to hang out and work alongside whomever is tackling a household task.  he actually really does like to work at real jobs, for now at least...he loves lawn tractors, ice cream, and "visits" with his extended family and older siblings.  he loves loud music in Jeff's truck, and Fireman Sam on Netflix.

more than all of that, he's been a gift of joy.  being the mom of this dear boy has taught me much....sooo much.  Jeff and I often discuss this...specifically, to slow down more, to catch the wonder that Cree sees in the every day little things, to roll with the interruptions better and with more grace, to be fully present, to be sillier and to love so deeply, even on the hard days when this feels like "a lot".  

God knew we needed you, little man.  

Happy 4th Birthday Creedence....you are so loved!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

this made me smile

 these are the days that are over and done way too quickly.  literally you blink and they've passed you by...just gone...not to sound too depressing, but it's actually true.  i know because i've lived it, even as one who was consciously trying to be fully present and soak up the early days of my kids and their childhoods.  still, it was a ridiculously fast-paced "blur" of time.  

so you can imagine why i loved this discovery of Cree so much...it was creative on his part, and adorable, and it did look pretty cozy.  i stopped to snap a photo.  never ever want to forget all that he was at four...

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

she graduated

 she did it!  last month Layla graduated from the RPN program that has occupied her time and energy for the past two years.  it was rigorous, and taught her much about herself as it stretched her and expanded her knowledge base and capacity to empathize and provide compassionate care.  such a win.

honestly, so proud of your effort, Lay, and the way you have learned to be assertive and advocate for both yourself and your patients.  i watched firsthand as you pushed through these two years and pressed on to the finish line.  

next step...the provincial licensing exam...and beyond that, just wide open doors...keep right on learning and growing and becoming.  find more of that amazing purpose God designed you for, kiddo!

shine on, Layla!  congratulations from Dad and i!

Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)