Tuesday, June 4, 2024

prepping for school

 around here there has been much conversation about "big boy" school....Cree knows it's coming, and we discuss all facets of school regularly.  riding the bus, recess, getting to learn a new language (French!), graduating from pre-school and starting JK in September...these topics are cycled through almost daily.  maybe that's why it's filtering down into his play....

and last week Cree got to visit his new school for a "mini camp"...two hours each morning to get the feel for how things will be in September.  the first few days may have taken a year off my life.  it drained me.  and him.  think tantrums, and lots of them...but besides that he got through it like a champ, and i also survived.  i also know him pretty well, and i could see the inner struggle with "i need to be brave" and "i want to cling to what i know and feel secure in"...he wrestled hard with all those big emotions.  in the pictures below he was staying so strong, and then seconds later melted into a puddle of tears.

overall it was a big win, and he'll get to visit again in August for another week.  all good prep for this dear boy of ours.  

i don't look forward to leaving the safe and secure walls of his preschool.  it's short and sweet and predictable...i love how simple and innocent it is.  still, we know the reality is that he will soon be off to more learning and growing and becoming, and that's just the cycle of life...praying his heart will be ready, and mine too...

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