Tuesday, January 2, 2024

2023 wrap

 after a wee break over Christmas, it's nice to be back in the chair, capping off the end of 2023 with a few more memories to record.  i might spend a couple weeks on this before moving into the new year...

in short, it's this.  i am grateful.  there were highs, there were lows, and God carried me, and us, through the waves and calm waters too.  there has been learning and growth, and stumbling and getting back up too.  there has been joy and peace.  there has been life and love.  there has been God's strong and steady hand.

here are a few pics to highlight November and December...i like to think of them as little joy bursts.

this little ham, always my kitchen "right hand"

i impressed myself with this beauty salad. it tasted delicious!

Layla caught these twinkly eyes

a pretty new truck. not shown here is the grinning husband :)

a stubborn Christmas cactus, finally with five buds that didn't drop off before opening...i've watched two open fully so far with dazzling pinkish-red beauty.  

big and little kids trimming the tree.  special.

much focus

two loves

isn't it soooo pretty?  who knew a bloom could be so exciting?!

if i can just figure out how this happened (less water, more water??) maybe i'll get more blooms to open next year...

always so much to be grateful for.  

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