on this day of "all things love", i have a few random "loves" of my own...in no particular order...
a newish to me song, How You Love Me, by Patrick Mayberry. beautiful lyrics reminding me that in all my faults, my less than stellar moments, the times i falter and am quite simply failing at being an "image bearer", God's love covers me, even then.
a throwback picture i came across this week. my dear Adam in his Newsboys hat, which he so loved at the time after seeing them in concert. his sweet, toothless smile nearly melted my heart.
a verse i've clung to and love soooo much:
Chronicles 28:20 "Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don't be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. He will see to it that all work is finished correctly."
i don't really crave a large group of people in my circle. i'm really more introverted than that. more emphasis on quality than quantity for me. and here, on this day, two of my very favourite people were in the same place, without me! these two ladies are an absolute gift to me. the best of the best. they are real, fully authentic, Christ-like examples of moms and wives and people who inspire me. they are supportive beyond words as we journey through life together...i was so happy they introduced themselves to each other and sent me this picture. made my day.
and these guys, plus one (sweet baby C., not seen or even born yet in this throwback picture)...our bunch...in and through all the hiccups along the way, i adore them. always will. they made me a mom and that will always be my highest calling. i truly hope they know how much i've (we've) tried to raise them intentionally, carefully and lovingly.
but first came this dear man. my valentine always. he is strength, he is light, he is gracious, and he is a champion of love and loyalty in all areas of his life. my person. God knew what He was doing when He orchestrated "us".
Happy Valentine's Day, friends and family! if you're reading, i'm fairly certain you too are on my "short list" of favourite loves. blessings to you today as you take stock of all and whom you love! ❤
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