Tuesday, November 9, 2021

The Shack

i recently watched The Shack a second time on Netflix.  i'd previously read the book, years ago actually, by William Paul Young.  i know to some the book and movie are controversial.  i do not wish to wade into that today.  why?  well i guess i have always known both the story and movie were a mere human depiction and interpretation of God, the trinity, and the relationship our Maker desires to have with His children.  quite simply, they are the author and producer's best attempt to describe and depict God, which obviously is limited and barely scratching the surface, at best.  for me, however, the experience of sitting quiet and still in the pages and frames before me was a transformative moment, each time actually...the way The Shack tackles tough questions about pain and loss and evil in this world.  it's bold and brave and the answers, equally captivating, are covered in love and grace and understanding of our suffering and brokenness.  so beautifully done. all in a way that honours what i believe God's Word says about these matters too.  and here's no surprise, i weep each time i read or watch.  yep, it's what i do!  there's just something about that reminder that God is with me in the mess of life, and never ever considers bailing on me...

anyway, you decide for yourself, and land wherever you think best.  i'm okay with that.  i just wanted to put it out there in case it was something that would encourage your heart too...

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