Wednesday, October 6, 2021


 Lauren Daigle...again, her music speaks right into my core, my mind, my heart.  when i'm bombarded with messages of defeat or hopelessness or evil lies from the enemy of a lost culture that threaten to rattle and shake me, i hear this. 

"i will send out an army to find you in the middle of the darkest night, it's true, i will rescue you..."

just wow...

and then this...

"i will never stop marching to reach you in the middle of the hardest fight, it's true, i will rescue you..."

and He does, every time.  and i trudge along and get back up and press on in this life that sometimes feels real heavy.  in those moments, when i'm most vulnerable with God, He meets me there.  in the gritty details and the real-life struggles.  when i try to solve tomorrow, next week or next year, He reminds me to stay present in today.  to simply leave the rest with Him.  it's a daily calculated exercise i must practice, but admittedly don't always remember (and that never goes well).  even still, He sends daily graces, deeply personal moments that cause joy and gratitude to rise up when least expected.  and i remember who holds me, who holds them, and who holds the future. 


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