Tuesday, February 25, 2020

my person

my husband is fifty plus two, today!  it sounds too crazy to be true.  how are we this old?  i started dating Jeff when he was less than half this age...we've been together for almost 30 years!  how even??!?!


there's lots i adore about this man.  so many things.  a few things rise to the top, however.  

he loves Christ and has deep gratitude for what this has meant in his life journey.  he is unwavering in his faith.  no shifting or wishy-washiness with circumstances or storms.  to him, what was true then is still true now.  he is firmly rooted and lives a life of gratitude for God's rich grace.

he is authentic and real.  what you see is exactly what you get.  no facade, no pretenses, no shifting personality to suit a crowd.  love that about him.  he is and always has been 100% content with who he is and what he has.  no reaching, striving, grasping.  just contentment.  it's completely refreshing.

he is fiercely loyal.  to me, to family, to friends, to work and church connections...

his heart is so kind and his compassion runs deep.  without this we'd never have opened our home to so many kids, to so much chaos, to so much less free time and the persistent stage of "crazy".  often people like to think this is all my doing.  they'd be very wrong.  

i could go on and on. i'll stop there and just say that it's such a gift to celebrate Jeff today.  super thankful to be his partner in life.  he's so easy to love.  

here's to your next 52 years, Jeffrey! :) 

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