oh how i love October. so many reasons...changing leaves. falling leaves. orange pumpkins, white pumpkins. bubbling baking casseroles. new recipes. soups, sauces, muffins, granola, breads...warm kitchen. pumpkin spiced lattes, or pretty much anything pumpkin spiced (okay, i do draw the line at Twinkies. who ever decided it was a good idea to mess with a Twinkie?!?). crisp air. cool breeze through house. a/c turned off. heavy blankets on beds. flannel sheets. perfect for sleeping...sweaters, jackets and jeans. routine of church and school. fall sports. kids training for cross country, running their energy stores low. basketball, hockey, wrestling gearing up to start! tall corn stalks dry and beige in colour, still standing tall. restoring some order to house after summer busyness. sorting, pitching, organizing. candles scented and glowing with lights dimmed. first crackling fire in the fireplace. baseball playoffs (go Jays!). green lush grass happy to have the scorching summer sun less oppressive. allergies wind down, mosquitoes disappear. bursting colour from healthy mum pots. bumpy gourds. Thanksgiving with family and delicious recipes enjoyed around a big full table. full hearts. and now, a first~ our oldest home for Reading Week. so nice to sit eight around our table again...even for a bit. quiet time with God easier to schedule. catch up with close friends over warm beverages. all refreshing my spirit and perspective. cinnamon and spices and homey aromas. harvested vegetables and fruits. juicy apples. rosy cheeks and chilly hands from outdoor play. movies, cards, puzzles.
fall is lovely. i'm especially thankful for this season every single year. something about it. hoping it drags out this year and winter's arrival is delayed as long as possible...
happy October everyone! :)
beautiful! poetry!