Wednesday, February 17, 2016

random sweetness

as i sorted unedited cell phone pictures the other day, i stumbled across a few that i thought would fit together in a random picture post, just so i don't get too far past without capturing a few more has a way of getting ahead of me, and i'm determined to slow the speed even a little to carve away some forever memories....nothing crazy monumental, just the little stuff, but sometimes the sweetest all the same....

one weekend, during a "say yes to the dress" episode, which i always enjoy....i decided to dig out THE wedding dress in which i declared my love to my handsome guy...always fun.  as much for the nostalgia that overtakes me as the pleasure my kids get in seeing me stage a mock processional.  i wouldn't choose the exact dress again, but at the time it was pretty great.  below, Hannah contemplating a "borrowed" look for herself one day...actually no :), she wasn't considering it even a little bit, but she still enjoyed the "bridal" moment, i'd say, just cruisin' around the kitchen with a wedding dress on, cuz that's what people do, right?? 

this picture was missed in the fall, so here it is now...because i can do that, right?!  Joelle and her dad made the fall tours of her leading university choices.  here she is in a nursing lab, checking out the facilities, and little pretend newborn babies too! how is she even there, at this very important stage of life~ wasn't it just yesterday we were doing her hair for her in her favourite way~ "one ponytail at the side"??  sniff sniff.... 

Hudson had the delightful pleasure of "dressing with the team" during one of Jeff's weekend games not too long ago.  he dressed, skated and took shots during warm-up and even "won" the opening face-off which of course led to a break-away which then led to a shot that of course found the back of the net.  imagine his joy!?!? 

 right then and there, in his super vivid and confident mind, he was NHL all-star material and was loving every second of it.  one happy fella, let me tell you....

Sunday afternoon football, naps and snuggles, so refreshing.  

below, the wrestling room at SCITS.  this place has become such a regular meeting point for our entire family~ for Jeff as coach and all six kids who practice and train there, week after week.  hours and hours spent with friends and teammates on those red mats, learning technique while unknowingly shaping their character.  great combination.  Sarnia has a really fantastic group of dedicated leaders in the sport, and it's something special to see their tireless effort, week after week.  

out for an evening with this guy....always a highlight for thankful we enjoy one another's company as much as we do.  couldn't imagine it any other way. 

and this concludes my random entry.  feeling caught up now with all relevant cell phone pics accounted for.  :)  

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