Thursday, July 9, 2015

the graduates

yep, two graduates in one year...
grade eight and grade twelve...

these two are growing up at mach speed.  one entering highschool in the fall~ all done with elementary school and indoor shoes and recess and hot lunch days, and moving on to new beginnings in grade nine with semesters, exams, and more freedom to choose the layout of his highschool days.  the other returning for a fifth year of highschool to hopefully solidify her post-secondary intentions at a time when the options feel vastly overwhelming and daunting. 

 their graduations threw me a wee bit.  not like they were a surprise event or anything like that.  i knew the back-to-back nights were coming where i'd see them receive their diplomas and walk the stage, shaking hands with the very ones who had invested so much into providing a solid education to them in their journey to this point.  even still, i was feeling the emotions bubbling up at random moments catching me somewhat unaware.  i cannot fathom where the time has gone so quickly.  i remember pre-school graduation clearly with its cute songs and the green and blue caps and gowns, and i stand in awe of the merciless passage of time.  it stops for nothing.  it trucks along and my babies have grown into unique individuals who are carving their own way, discovering who they are, what they love, where they are gifted, etc...i always remember back to my college days and what my nursing instructor told me while we spent a rotation up in the newborn nursery....she said "someday when you have babies, very consciously enjoy, enjoy, enjoy because it goes sooooo very fast..."  she wasn't kidding.  i appreciated that advice and for some reason i've never forgotten those words...i'm not always perfect at "conscious enjoyment" every single day~ but i'm aware that i should be striving for this always, because the reality is that this is a crazy dash from newborn to adulthood.
so, my two i said to you already~ you are deeply and unconditionally loved, forever.  period.  we are here, cheering you on and praying for your future~ specifically that you will seek God's will for your life.  since you were tiny we've told you~ God has BIG things planned for your life, and you are uniquely designed for that very specific purpose.  we hope you discover that path and walk it with joy and confidence in the perfect plan chosen just for you.  can't wait to see where that takes you. 
much love to you both from this sappy mom as we celebrate new chapters.

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