Tuesday, June 9, 2015

this makes me smile

"ball is life"...i've heard this expression affectionately used when referring to baseball.  not sure where it comes from.  obviously, ball is not life, but some days, for Hudson, i think it might be pretty high on the list! 
i think some people might think we exaggerate when we describe how engrossed Hudson is with all things MLB.  now i have proof.  this is a Sunday afternoon game.  i had snuck in a wee nap and came out into the family room to Jeff sleeping on the couch, and Hudson as seen in the photo below.  he'd gotten into his full Wranglers uniform, and was swinging with the Jays batters as they came up to bat.  the attention span was rock solid for nine straight innings.  as long as he can stand and move, he is happy as can be.  this very exercise of mimicking the MLB players is surely the cause of some of his inconsistent and unpredictable pre-at-bat stance issues.  he seems to constantly be changing it up.  but his attention to detail as shown when he moves up to the plate is second to none.  how many other kids know exactly how individual players stand and position themselves and their bat? 

the pictures below are from the night of Hudson's pitching debut.  i wish they were better.  cell phone~ yes, but also taken through the chain link fence from where i was sitting behind and to the left of the plate.  there is so much they don't show.  i wish you could see Hudson's (aka Huddy~ baseball nickname) deep breath after the first few pitches.  i could totally sense his nervousness....i wish you could see how he smacked his glove in joy after he struck out his first batter.  i wish you could see the beautiful white smile he flashed me at that moment.  it was all just super precious to see.  i'm so thankful for this boy.  i barely held it together.  gasp!!!!!! :)

keep loving the game, Hudson~ seeing you love it makes all the craziness so worth it!

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