this past weekend had me replaying a certain scene in my head. someone had shown me this clip over a year ago. i forget who. it was hysterically funny to me then, and after Sunday came to a close and i tucked the littlest cherubs into bed, i tracked down the clip to share with all of you. in that moment, i felt as though i had a special connection with Lois and her state of mind. maybe a few of you can relate as well! :) please don't tell me i'm the only one....
you know how i like to keep things real and honest in this tiny corner of cyber space, right? well, Jeff had been away with the oldest two at a full weekend wrestling tournament. basically, everything went quite smoothly while the other five of us were here on our own from Friday to Sunday. there were fun moments with movies and popcorn and basketball and the McDonald's PlayPlace....but one thing struck me (again) in the period of those three days. i'm in absolute awe of the number of times i hear "mom", "hey mom", "mom, guess what" "mom, look!" "mom, remember when..."and so on. it is staggering. really truly, no exaggeration, it is hundreds of times per day. you have to believe me. i did the rough math one day while driving to basketball. and pleasssseeeeeee don't get me wrong. it is wonderful. even joyous. it is the ultimate gift. it is a direct sign of just how blessed i am. i know all of this deep in my heart. i love that they all have so much they want to tell me, report about, share, make up for my benefit ( rhymes with Flood-son), ask me, etc.... really truly i do. because i know from experience that the opposite trend of not wanting to tell mom everything is just around the corner. it's not even like they are toddlers anymore~ they are growing up soooo fast...i don't want to wish this time, these years, away. and yes, i even see their chattiness as a direct correlation to the level of joy and security they feel in their daily lives. they are boundlessly engaged in life and super interactive with me~ this is all reallllllyyyy gooooood...yet honestly, even still, i'm only human. just one wee person with very real limitations...some days there is just only so much available sanity brain capacity to process and react to each little nugget of information. each bit of utter ridiculousness. the very deep and not-so-deep questions. the issues. the stories. the full-of-beans conversations and topics they think up. the things to see outside the window of our moving van....etc....i try hard, i really do. some days i know i barely succeed. others i manage to be present and enthused in an adequate way....but on Sunday night, as i salvaged a shred of sanity during a hot bath in sheer silence, Lois and the clip above were on the forefront of my brain.
there you have it. that's real deal me. the end.
Hehehe, that was funny...and I do definitely relate even though I only have two that call my name over and over!