seeing as the summer is already moving fast and furiously, it may well be that this blog becomes a place of lots of pictures posted over the next eight weeks with little narrative substance in-between. hopefully the non-edited, non-professional cell phone pics do something to capture the essence of these busy days. because our lives sure don't feel like they lack substance. quite the contrary...
above, me and my boy on my 41st birthday. not a great shot of me, but very real nonetheless. i was just back from a baseball road trip where a few of us had gone to watch Hudson play. i was tired and ready to call it a day. still, it was my birthday. and the first real chance the kids had to give me their gifts. in typical "Adam style", he had wrapped my present in the shape of a pyramid. it was created with paper tubes, then covered in newspaper, and was a great disguise. only Adam....there are so many things to love about this boy. first, in so many ways he reminds me of Jeff. he is becoming very witty, is soooo creative and such a little thinker. he can fix and build and patiently solve puzzles and obstacles in ways that i never could. plus, he still loves to hang out with me, and isn't too old to be seen with his mama. that is special to me....
can't believe i am 41~ yet so thankful to be....i am determined to never hide my age or feel anything but gratitude for the years i have been given.
summer is here, life is in full swing, all six are busy and active and the kilometres being logged on my van are a sure indication of the number of times we are buzzing around town and beyond. also an indication of the clear shift i've (we) made from busy care-giver role to crew taxi-driver. no longer are all nestled in their beds between seven to eight-thirty, read to, sang to, and clean behind their, no, no...we are carting and lugging and doing it all over again multiple times each day. certain kids are up until we finally threaten their lives, and only then will they march down to their beds. it's worse than the stall tactics used in their toddler years, let me tell you.
it's good. it's fun. it's joyous to watch them fly and have fun discovering what they love. or even what they don't love, but are doing because it's healthy for their hearts and for their "life experiences column" on the pages of their life, and because their parents made them. :)
happy summer, all! enjoy your own families and loved ones during these longer days of sun and heat and fun! blessings!
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