November is National Adoption Month, and this past Sunday was Orphan Sunday. we recognized this day at our church, the SEMC. the subject is heavy, i mean, really~ who can even fathom the statistic of 153 million orphans worldwide. gulp....i know i can't. another statistic~ 30,000 children in Canada alone waiting for a forever family.'s too much at times, too large, too daunting. it's easy to feel discouraged. really easy. yet, there is this unmistakable biblical call to action that spurs us on. God's heart bends for the orphan, it's mentioned many times in His word. this stuff isn't my bright idea. it isn't even the scheme of the Orphan Care Ministry or the church as a whole. it's God's clear and concise instructions, straight from the pages of the Holy Bible. over and over again. that's not to say that every person is meant to adopt, or foster, or travel to a far off place to visit orphans in their distress. not at all. no, we are all equipped differently. adoption is not for everyone. fostering isn't either. but everyone can do something. there are endless options not already mentioned. prayer, child sponsorship, volunteering with a local CAS, supporting organizations that help both alleviate the orphan crisis and halt it's further growth, etc...there is much to do. many little lives depend on our action. i've added a couple links. they are powerful and inspiring~ a combination of truths that cover the topic well, better than i could.
Eric Ludy~ Depraved Indifference
Orphan Sunday 2012 clip
Creation Groans
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