how is it that my baby is six?? stepping out into life with the confidence of a "big kid". he's loving grade one, blowing bubbles, reading first words, losing teeth, talking about the earth circling the sun :), running cross country, finally agreeing to practice riding his bike with no training wheels (thanks Hannah!) and just growing up.....waaayyyyyy tooooooo fast......sigh....
he woke on his birthday yesterday and walked into the kitchen. daddy gave him birthday greetings and AJ matter-of-factly announced "i feel older". it was funny. and true. he seems older. he may still be physically tiny, but i can see the changes in his personality and the way he's embracing all the new opportunities that come with being six...
the "Batter Up" cake was AJ's choice, as he wishes to start baseball next summer just like his big brother Hudson. it was super funny when the girls and i picked up the cake from a local grocery store bakery. they'd misread the order form when putting the message on the cake top. it read "Happy 6th Birthday BAJ". Joelle noticed it first, and the flustered lady offered to fix it by covering the "B" with sprinkles. we all still noticed the extra letter, but AJ was wonderfully oblivious. even when we called him "BAJ" this weekend. :)
i know i say it often, maybe sometimes even as an important reminder for myself during the nuttiness of life. there is no greater gift than our six children. this sweet boy included. from a little wood and mud house in the rural countryside of southern Ethiopia to my heart and our home. only God...
happy birthday, Alemayehu Jeffrey! you are so loved!
This post makes me smile like crazy!! AJ's too cute for words. I still remember him on Court Day in his pink pyjamas (the anniversary is fast approaching - yes time is flying by too fast!)