Tuesday, July 16, 2013


remember Yonas?  the dear boy we met in 2010 when we were picking up AJ?  i've blogged many times about him, the first time being here.  as far as updates~ well, it’s been awhile, i know.  not for lack of trying to formulate something to send out about Yonas. I’ve been trying for at least five months to get some substantial information to share with those that have cared about Yonas in the past, and these past few months have been particularly hard. Eyob (our sponsorship contact) has been very difficult to reach, as usual.  he’s been doing some work at a school in southern Ethiopia, and then several Skype attempts (with Yonas!) have failed due to communication issues and internet interruptions.  last week we tried again.  i actually received his call after hearing by IM that Yonas was there in the office, and after about fifteen calls that failed due to a connection problem, we decided to chat through Skype instant messaging with the help of a translator.  it wasn’t like seeing his face, but very special even still…here’s what I was able to learn about him.
~his bloodwork is good.  i saw a copied lab report that shows his HIV status continues to stabilize and Yonas confirms he is taking his medicine regularly.
~he says he is 14 years old, and just today picked up his school report that shows he successfully completed his grade level and will enter grade 9 in the fall.  he is currently on a two month break from school.
~he says math is his favourite subject.  i told him it was my worst! :)
~he says his caregivers are his deceased parent’s friends, and that they are good to him and love him.  i asked if he was daily receiving enough food to eat and the translator/social worker said “i don’t know how to explain it. they give him what they have as much as possible but i can't tell you confidently that it is enough.”  i thanked her for her honest assessment and acknowledged this was difficult to know for certain.
~he expressed deep appreciation for the love and care of so many, and asked us to keep praying for him.

overall, I think he was encouraged and seemed to convey he was happy.  we shared our desire to do Skype visits regularly, and also asked that an updated photo be taken of him.  if i receive this i will most definitely post it here on the blog. 

so, there you have it…finally a Yonas update.  as someone mentioned to me, hopefully knowing so many care about him and his needs gives him a quiet joy he carries through his day .  a daily reminder that he is loved. 
thanks for caring!  the difference that must be making is forever life-changing...

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