Thursday, June 20, 2013

the new groove

sooo, another school year ends for five of my crew (that was a whirlwind ten months!), and exam week is here for Joelle.  for those of us already home, we are settling into a new summer groove.  it takes us a bit, but we're used to that too.  backpacks are washed, school supplies are sorted and tucked away for a few short months, lunch bags are up in the cupboard to stay for awhile.  it feels good.  mornings are slower, and sleeping in longer has been great for everyone.  personally, even if i'm still up by eight, the gradual wake-up is soooo nice when compared to the shrill alarm at six o'clock during school months...we are catching up on books, playing with toys that have sat untouched for months, swimming, eating watermelon, having unstructured play time, baking together, etc...would you believe that on day two one of my little cherubs even dared to utter the words "i'm bored".  what????   that's some kind of record for us.  and it's okay too.  she found herself in a new place of re-learning creative ways to fill her time, with no deadline or timeline or schedule imposed on her.  there is learning, even in that.  it isn't all rosy, however.  these first few weeks often reveal some tiny cracks in our family's foundation.  we see sibling issues, selfish tendencies, patience wears thin during moments of the day.  we are all adjusting again to being together...overall, i really do like having them here.  and i imagine by the end of August, when all the kinks are worked out, we'll be able to say that summer 2013 was a great break and reprieve from the super fast-paced days of the school year. 
my computer time always takes a hit during summer months (also a nice break!), so blogging might be sporadic (like even more sporadic :)), but i promise to have pictures along the way to capture the memories i wish to retain...
happy summer!

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