Tuesday, February 26, 2013


my dear husband just had a birthday.  forty-five....yep, that's 45 years, and i can't quite believe it....some days i bet he really believes it!  he keeps a pretty busy pace.  he holds many spinning plates in the air.  yet other times, it's very clear that the perspective of a big kid remains alive and well inside his brain, and undoubtedly the whirlwind of years between childhood to "middle age" :) are a crazy blur.  i better be careful how much i tease, because i'm a few short months from the "forties club" myself. 
the above picture is soooo Jeff.  the quality isn't great, because it was awhile ago, after all (last dig, i promise). yes, Jeff loves wrestling.  he's passionate about its value in equipping for life.  he lives and breathes it....i love it now too, because of him, and it's pure joy to watch him coach the kids at the Sarnia club, and especially our own children. 

this picture of the two of us makes me smile.  we look SOOOO YOUNG!!!!  it's back in the day when it was just us.  little did we know what (who!) was to come!  life was silly and fun and looking back~ so carefree.  and, even more strange~ this room is the same room Layla now sleeps in.  crazy!  this was my room, and it's easy to tell because of the stuffed dogs and dog poster on the wall~ because i was such a dog lover even back then!  ahem....rest in peace, Josee.... 

so, as i celebrate this birthday with Jeff i feel increasingly thankful for each passing year.  as i said in his birthday letter, "...yes, many days the pace we live feels like it's kicking our butts, and the routine can be draining, but the strong undercurrent for me is that we are still best friends, and we still have our roots and history and good times behind us and hopefully ahead.  i need that somehow.  so, let's hope for lots more amazing memories together in the remaining time God blesses us with."

happy birthday, sweetie-pie!  (he loves that.....no, he doesn't, but it's my blog)

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