Tuesday, February 14, 2012

birthday boy, valentines, and whiteboards

phewww....what a whirlwind.  it seems i really just manage to show up here weekly as of late, so today will be a combination of the latest family news.  i must start with my birthday boy.  dear Hudson Pierre is now seven.  without giving away too much information for the sake of his privacy, it is fair to say that life with Hudson is never dull.  he stretches and tests me~ often revealing in me my own character flaws and weaknesses with glaring clarity.  he challenges and tires me.  yet honestly~ and not because i like to keep the tone positive on this blog~ he also brings out the deepest purest joy in my spirit.  when i see glimpses of his positive character traits and potential and all that is good and right tucked into his busy body, i well up with emotion at the gift his life has been to me, to us.  jeff and i were recently discussing the implications of bringing Hudson home and the possible turns his life might have taken had he not been adopted, had he remained in Haiti.  again, a loaded topic, but of all our children his personality could be described as the one that "teeters on the edge" the very most.  he is sensitive and emotional and impressionable.  we are sooo thankful Hudson's world in Haiti intersected with ours, and we will continue to do our very best to support him and his needs in the years to come.  we pray God will guide and lead him down the perfectly suited path that is meant just for him. 
so, for all the above rambling, this made his seventh birthday very special indeed....we didn't talk too much about it in the weeks prior to the "big day", just to keep as much calm (relatively speaking) in his life as possible.  so, the night before his very first friend party we broke the news that tomorrow was the day he'd get to hang with four friends (and his five siblings) at Laser Tag for an afternoon party.  i loved it, and i think he did too! :)

he was so excited, and even more when he found out that the family party would be later that evening.  and i know the football cake isn't exactly "Cake Boss" quality, but hey, it was yummy, it was super easy and fast~ plus he liked it, so there!! :)

on his actual birthday yesterday he woke up and was sincerely shocked to learn that it was also a school day and he needed to attend on his birthday!  i don't blame him for not being super into that idea.  it helped, however, to bring treats for the class and be recognized there on his special day.  last night was his birthday meal of capellini caprese and Aunt B's recipe of honey garlic chicken wings.  he ate a man-sized portion (scary) and then opened presents from us.  the highlight was when he found Sarnia Sting tickets hiding in the Sting programme right above Connor Murphy's picture.  he loved his "gif-it-iks" (or gift certificates) and his RC car.  good weekend for my handsome fella...

being Valentine's Day today~ i'll spare you all the sap and just say that i felt ginormously blessed to set my dinner table with treats for my seven valentines.  apparently i need a few more "blue plates", as is our family tradition to receive on an occasion worth honour or special recognition.

also thinking of Yonas today, and all the others like him~ wondering if there is anyone around him speaking love into his life.  check out this post by a nurse in Soddo, Ethiopia to read a positive story of love demonstrated in a tangible way. 

lastly, Layla was given a whiteboard for Christmas. she uses it faithfully.  lately it has been to list single words describing what she's thankful for.  it's beyond precious to read.  friends, pillows, butterflies, etc...when she says her nighttime prayers she tilts her head up and peeks at the whiteboard to say her lists out loud.  then just last week, i saw this on there.  oh my heart...

she must have been reading about the ten commandments in her devotional time.  how much does God love to see kids working out their faith in ways like this?  i was going to draw stars around the last commandment to give extra emphasis, but refrained...

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