Tuesday, October 15, 2024


 a fun little vacation with dear friends as summer came to a close.  a great time over a long weekend~ exploring, eating, walking, people watching, catching up and laughing.  a change of scenery and welcomed change of pace.  grateful for days like these.

Cleveland 2024

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

a moment

 just a precious moment in time.  it came up recently when browsing through the actual photo albums.  feels like forever ago.  only four kiddos then.  looks like it might have been around Easter time with the Sunday dresses on the girls.  front step at Howston Ave.

how i love those sweet faces.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

our artist

 the girl is talented.  and i am sooo thrilled to see her using her gifts.  Layla spent the second half of her summer prepping for a pretty big adventure.  she leaves later today for an almost six month mission through YWAM (youth with a mission).  

people so generously supported her journey and many bought tickets for her raffle, and these two paintings were a couple of the prizes.  

more to come on her adventures.  praying her time away is amazing, life-changing and difference-making, for her and the many she will meet and serve.  of course we will miss her loads, but couldn't be more grateful for the gift of this opportunity in her life, and who knows where it will take her next.  

fly Layla, fly! ❤