Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
when your bowl and mug match
Tuesday, October 11, 2022
she's doing it
we love that Layla has tapped into the varsity sport of cross country running. so good for connecting and belonging to a group with a common purpose of healthy practice and well-being. she's strong and has endurance and she's got pure grit to do the very hard work of practicing and competing. her shins haven't been cooperating for her so far, but she's persevering and hoping she's able to compete in two more meets before the season ends.
proud of your effort Layla! these are the things that serve you well and help make you even more resilient later in life. Go Lions!
Wednesday, October 5, 2022
i went west
it's been a year and a bit since our eldest moved out west, and it finally worked to make the journey to her. this was big for me. a huge gift of resources of time and energy were pooled together to help make this happen. thanks to all who helped me get away with a peace about leaving. i also had dear Jeffrey fully on board and supportive of this grand adventure i was committed to undertaking. thanks to grandparents and friends who came alongside.
so, off i went. the opposite of a seasoned traveler, but eager nonetheless. so happy to fly again, and to have my dear daughter there at the end of the flight was a huge gift. she was a rockstar hostess. i had literally not even considered how we'd pass the days. i really didn't care. all i knew was that BC would be beautiful and the company would be adventurous and fun. all of that was more than accurate. so, really, i was kind of just along for the ride (quite literally), in awe of my daughter's tech savvy ability to navigate all things "big city" and my utter ineptness to do the same.
still, i soaked up every bit of it. i stood in awe of God's creation. i had a million questions. i so enjoyed seeing BC through Joelle's lens too. we ate like we meant business. we walked 10 km a day. we rode ebikes at night along the waterfront, we had a crazy high gondola ride leading to views that were utterly breathtaking. we hiked, we rode a seabus and i took my first Uber. we swam (me very briefly, but i did it) in a clear and frigid natural pool at the base of a waterfall that took my breath away. Joelle made it look easy, no surprise.
off i go. all by myself. unheard of.
we made memories. and i sure do love you, Joelle! thanks for being a "tour guide extraordinaire" and for welcoming me so warmly. this one will be unforgettable! ❤