Tuesday, July 27, 2021

the spa life

 my word, was this ever worth the wait! our long awaited hot tub finally arrived, and on cooler evenings we can be found relaxing in it.  such a fun thing.  

the picture was taken especially for Jeff's sweet client who knew he was waiting for this tub to arrive.  she had a personalized towel (so hilarious!) and some cool outdoor wine glasses made for him.  so basically we're all set! good times...

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

we left the city~ Bala 2021

 wow.  we actually left the city.  was it ever wonderful.  one blissful week in beautiful Bala, tucked away on a beautiful and tranquil peninsula of land, surrounded by water and gorgeous views, with a perfect cottage that afforded relaxation and comfort. even better than that was the together time with most of our family (minus Adam, sadly) and my dear parents too.  we hadn't been really with them, without covid restrictions, for many months.  it was finally time, and so special.  we ate well, we rested, we played, we sea-dooed.  personally it was just the change of scenery i needed.  definitely fun memories and i'm so thankful for the reprieve from the months of mostly being home, even as much as i love being home.  

Hudson with the extent of the fish caught over the week...ask him who took it off the hook ;)

sweet baby C, hot tubbing with the ladies

hours on the water with the Sea Doos...

me and my mama.  she's cool like that.

sweet baby C, Jeff and Hannah dislodging the piece of stick caught in the Sea Doo

Grandpa passing on his sailing tips to Hudson

ice cream runs

crazy beauty in the sunsets, photo credits to Jeffrey

so grateful it happened.

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

two grads- covid style

 graduations for two more.  not at all as they had planned or hoped for.  still, they happened.  and we are grateful for new chapters ahead...

they both looked great, and even the wind and
rain at Layla's drive-thru grad wasn't going to put a damper on her pretty!

Alemayehu and Layla, we sooo love you and continue to pray for your steps to be sure-footed and full of God's purpose and adventure and peace and joy.  reach high, with your focus upward and you will be amazed at where that takes you! big hugs from dad and i! 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

this is good

 so happy about this...dose #1

the last 15 months have been long, and definitely not easy for these two characters.  we've persevered and pressed on~ and so have they...there have been significant losses, and still so many blessings.

receiving the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine felt like a true gift to me, for them, as their mom. it feels a bit like a medical miracle and i'm super thankful.  their second dose will be soon and that's pretty exciting too. moving forward slowly with hopeful anticipation that these two can get back to some of the things they love really soon.