Tuesday, April 27, 2021

loving this

 well, covid can go away anytime, like seriously...but i hope my baker and her assistant stay at it, because we all concur that the evening "slice of cake" helps take the edge off this seemingly endless pandemic and all the accompanying craziness.  

ahhhh...a sweet bite of goodness that momentarily reminds us that there is still much to be thankful for.  yep, even cake.  

Tuesday, April 20, 2021


 wow....not my words below, but they could be, exactly 100% the same thoughts, and our whole family's words too.  all this as we love baby C with a fierceness that has literally, within the last week even, taken my breath away.  it catches me off guard at the strangest, random times.  most recently was in the parking lot at Shoppers as i buckled him into his car seat and i tousled his hair...

this is from Foster the Family, who i've mentioned here before.  she gets it and she articulates it perfectly.

“I love you so much, forever,” I whispered into his little face. “Forever.”

“Forever” left my lips and made its way down to my gut. Forever?? But what if it’s not forever? What if he leaves, too? What if this is a coming goodbye? What if this is another heartbreak in the waiting? These questions take my breath away.
But, oh, I know the answers.
The length of my time with him doesn’t change anything. It doesn’t change now and it doesn’t change forever. The promise of forever-love stays the same.
No matter what, my boy, I love you right now, fully. And I love you forever."

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

something to do!!

 so thankful golf is allowed during these crazy, long pandemic times. seemed like a perfect time to get the boys a golf membership and on this occasion, their first time out, Adam and Jeff joined them!  apparently AJ won the round! 

yep, Adam is golfing in Birkenstocks, you saw that right! :)

hopefully this golf season does lots to break up the covid fatigue and offset all the other things they miss.  and sharpen their skills a bit too!  thankful for a course right around the corner and one that's welcomed them so beautifully...here's to spring and summer golf 2021!

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

"hold on to me"

 this week, simply this...

Lauren Daigle, thanks for using your voice, that amazing vessel God gave you, to impact so many who hear your music.  blesses me every time. so thankful my God is holding on to me, no matter what.


big hugs, because i miss hugs...