Tuesday, February 23, 2021

my gift on his birthday

 strange how every year on his birthday, i feel like i'm given the gift.  i love Jeff's birthday, i really do.  it's such a great chance to pause and celebrate all that this man means to me and our family.  i won't gush too much here because he gets uncomfortable with that (which is exactly why i should haha), but i can say with certainty that back when we started this journey of life together God knew what challenges would be ahead.  He knew of the grind and the mess and the days we'd need to push hard with grit just to move forward.  knowing all of that, He chose Jeff for me.  that leaves me in awe and so thankful for the way God's plan was suited perfectly for my needs.  i didn't deserve that gift, but by grace it was given to me anyway.  this guy is a rock, as solid and sure as the warming February sunshine.  his stability gives balance to my "over-thinking-beat-myself-up-relentlessly" brain.  he makes me laugh every single day and he loves me and our children (and our kids on loan) so well.  with Jeff, what you see is what you get.  thank goodness for that.

look at us, just babies...

here's to you, Jeffrey.  thanks for sharing your life with me.  i'm convinced i'm among the luckiest, except i know luck had nothing to do with it :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

super bowl 2021

 i'm certain i've never enjoyed a super bowl as much as this year.  not even so much for the football, although i'm trying to get there too.  nope, must be more about the desperate times, and a severe shortage in entertainment and celebratory events.  i loved preparing food for my family this year too.  i tried two new recipes, along with the required traditional chili and nachos.  it was a nice relaxing evening.  i'll let you in on a little secret though, my highlight wasn't when Tom Brady walked off the field with another win and ring.  it was actually when poet, Amanda Gorman, recited her beautiful tribute to front line workers.  loved that so much.  that girl is going places.  

anyway, another super bowl in the books, covid-style.  blessed~ a fun night! 

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

these two

 Adam won't admit it, but he's smitten.  

 and for some reason, so is baby C.  the feeling is totally mutual.  i tell Adam it's hardly fair.  i haven't seen him change one dirty diaper or wake up even once through the night to console him when he's afraid.  it doesn't make a lot of sense, but it's 100% real.  if all of us (yes the whole family) are in one room, his eyes are on Adam. and it's not even like he says much to baby C.  nope, in typical Adam fashion there are very few words exchanged.  still, they connect.  it's super sweet.  i guess ;)

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

it happened

 well....this is timely!!

after much weather watching and checking the extended forecast, finally the temperatures have dropped long enough to pull off an amazing ice rink.  Jeff, with help from the boys, has pulled it off again!  and the timing couldn't be better.  

hopefully we get a few solid weeks out of this beauty before spring temperatures bring the inevitable thaw (that will also be nice)...no skating parties this year or large groups of hockey players, but still an outdoor reprieve from this crazy winter, and for that we're grateful!